Can You Use Electric Hedge Trimmer In The Rain

Technology has incredibly made everything simple and easier. The days are gone when we needed to use big scissors to trim the hedges in a suitable shape. Eventually, we had to hire experts or gardeners to complete this hectic work correctly.

With the introduction of electric hedge trimmers, everyone is now capable of performing this task. When it comes to clearing bushes and hedges in the environment, it’s undeniably the ideal tool, which works without requiring a lot of maintenance. Amazing, isn’t it?

However, there are some misconceptions about hedge shears and trimmers. Hedge trimmers, unlike shears, cannot be used in all weather conditions. In fact, you should never cut the bushes in the rain, especially when using electric ones, as electricity and water do not mix!

In some cases, when you think about cutting the hedges and notice that it’s raining or the bushes are wet due to recent rain, then a query often pops up in the mind if you can use an electric trimmer in such situations or have to wait until they dry.

If you’re one of those searching for an ultimate answer to “Can You Use Electric Hedge Trimmer In The Rain,” just fold your sleeves now and dive into the details.


Should I Be Using My Hedge Trimmer In The Rain?

No, you shouldn’t use the electric hedge trimmer in the rain because it is a sensitive electronic tool that has an increased chance of getting electrocuted whenever used in stormy or rainy weather.

But there’s no need to worry about that! You can use it after the rain. However, it’s necessary to acknowledge how to make use of it after the rain has stopped.

Water typically makes hedges tougher to cut through. It can eventually make the trimmer blades dull. Nonetheless, this specific situation can be efficiently controlled with the right maintenance.

If the weather is somehow fine to work in, simply check the condition of your equipment, as well as examine if it’s in nice working order and not impaired in any way.

Related: How to Start a Hedge Trimmer?

Will Rain Ruin My Hedge Trimmer?

Rain can definitely ruin your hedge trimmer. It is necessary to avoid the blade from getting damaged and rusty if you want to maintain the functionality of the tool.

There are many bad implications that occur whenever you use trimmers in wet environments. With that being said, let’s jump straight in!

  • Trimmers have increased risks of being degraded while raining. Degraded in this context basically means that the rain effect tends to lessen its efficiency.
  • It can also start to malfunction in such circumstances.
  • Your trimmer can be rusted when the rainwater comes in contact with different metals, oxidation immediately occurs, and this causes rusting.
  • When the blade starts to rust, it will end up entirely seizing. Rusting is also a result of the trimmer coming in direct contact with water.

Dull blades are another effect of putting water on the hedge trimmers. When the blade is dull, its teeth lose all the traction because they slide across moist or wet branches.

It eventually makes the wood crack or bends without cutting the branch completely. Furthermore, if you are going to use the trimmer right after rainfall, there’s a high possibility that your machine will still be wet.

Therefore, it’s good to allow the hedges to be fully dried. If you can not wait for that so long, simply utilize manual shears as a suitable alternative.

Aside from rainfall, the temperature is also a major factor that can be super hazardous to your electric hedge trimmer, as heat plays a huge role in how quickly metal rusts.

Trimmer sharpening is also compulsory for a healthy life span. Using the dull trimmer continuously will also lead to complete damage.

Related: How to Trim Holly Bushes With Hedge Trimmer

How Do I Protect My Hedge Trimmer From The Rain?

If you’re in a fix & without shelter, follow these tips to protect the trimmer whenever it rains:

Tip#1. Keep the trimmer covered properly when it rains. In case you are not able to keep it inside the house for any reason, just spread out the tarp & store the trimmer on it. This is sufficient to keep it dry and also helps you to store sensitive devices at a higher elevation.

Tip#2. Ensure that the trimmer isn’t switched on or plugged in when it is raining (or cloudy weather with high chances of rain).

All in all, the protection of the hedge trimmer is quite simple. Simply avoid using the trimmer while raining and keep it inside the house. All worries gone!

Can You Use an Electric Hedge Trimmer After the Rain?

Yes, you can use it after the rain. However, there are some important safety precautions to be familiar with.

You need to use a battery-operated trimmer in order to lower the electrocution risk. Also, wear gloves with a strong grip – so that it does not slip at any cost.

Make sure to lubricate its blade for rust prevention. If you are thinking about using the electric hedge trimmer, you should be cautious to avoid getting electrocuted.

In the case of corded electric trimmers, ensure that you do not allow even a single drop of water to get close to the plug because it can lead to the machine shorting out. There is less electrocution risk with the use of battery trimmers.

Trimming wet shrubs are complex compared to cutting dry bushes, as the branches become bendy and soft when they are being damped. Wet sticks are also more difficult to break than the situations when the bark is dry and tough.

Related: How to Clean Hedge Trimmer Blades

How Do You Fix a Hedge Trimmer That Has Been In The Rain?

Fixing the trimmers, especially the electric ones, are almost impossible to fix if used in the rain (in case you’re not an expert in the field).[

Anyhow, here are some effective tips and tricks that can assist you:

  • Dry your trimmer with the rag carefully.
  • Now, dry the trimmer under the sun as thoroughly as possible. It will remove water that remains in those parts that you’re not able to reach.
  • Lastly, ensure that it dries properly, even if you have to disassemble it. Plus, you can try air-drying the tools as well (if disassembling seems to be a daunting task).

Drying the trimmer may not be super effective. Yet, depending on the climate, it may take some days to let it try entirely.

Note: Keep in mind that if you’re not confident enough about separating the parts of your trimmer, you need to get instant professional help.

How To Cut Wet Hedges Properly | Effective Tips & Tricks

Are you supposed to do the trimming work immediately, but your hedges or hedge trimmer got wet? Don’t be worried! I have some super amazing tips & tricks for you on cutting wet hedges without any problem.

Have a look below to explore all of them:

1. Ensure that the trimmer teeth are super sharp:

Cutting damp hedges decreases traction between the branches and teeth and becomes hard to cut through. The traction also lessens when the teeth are really dull, and if you continue to use dull teeth, they will eventually get damaged or bent easily. In the end, you’ll always have to spend money to replace them. So, make sure that its teeth are sharp and strong if cutting wet hedges is necessary.

2. Properly lubricate it:

Proper lubrication will ensure that the water won’t enter any of the susceptible areas of the machine and also prevent it from getting impaired. Furthermore, water can reduce the mobility and potency of its motion and can create many issues for the gears (present inside the trimmer). For lubrication, use the rag – so that you do not cut your fingers while working close to its sharp teeth.

3. Protection Against Rust:

If the water is left on the teeth of the trimmer, it can oxidize the metal & begin to build rust there, especially if you have cut damp wedges in or after the rain. To ensure that there will be no drastic problems later on, always keep the trimmer teeth neat and clean with a dry rag. After using it, let it dry thoroughly in the sun. Lubricants aren’t sufficient to protect against rusting,; therefore, do not only put them away right after usage.

4. Follow safety precautions:

This tip is the most important one, as safety should always be your first priority. There are a couple of must-follow safety precautions you need to take while using the tool to cut wet shrubs to ensure protection from severe injuries. While cutting hedges, use gardening gloves and goggles if possible. Sometimes, it might be possible that you hit the eye with any small pieces of branches unconsciously, so it’s crucial to use such protection tools.

Related: How to Use a Hedge Trimmer in Simple and Easy Ways

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Can hedge trimmers get wet?

Yes, but water can disturb their functionality. In case it has been wet accidentally, lubricate it properly. Lubrication will ensure that the water doesn’t enter any sensitive parts of the machine & prevent it from getting damaged. The mobility of its motion can also be reduced by water and create a problem for the gears inside it.

2) Can you trim hedges when they are wet?

Absolutely, yes! You can use good quality cordless hedge trimmers in the rain or on wet hedges. There’s no risk of any electric shock from hedge trimmer there, and you can easily trim and cut the hedges safely.

3) Can you use a petrol hedge trimmer in the rain?

Never use petrol hedge trimmers in wet weather, as it’s highly dangerous. It is also not recommended because it will not perform its function in the rain effectively and eventually lack satisfying results.

4) Is it safe to use an electric hedge trimmer?

Using an electric hedge trimmer is unquestionably dangerous. It is designed to cut the branches that have the width of your finger. If used carelessly, it can lead to severe accidents. When you operate a gasoline or electric-powered device, you should read its manual beforehand.

5) Can I use electric trimmer on wet grass?

You should always avoid using better-powered and electric trimmers on wet grass. Such conditions can put additional stress on the motor, which shortens the operating life of the trimmer.

6) Can you trim shrubs when they are wet?

The hedge trimmers generally cannot tell the difference between dry and wet shrubs. It can cut both, but you will find it tough to use in case of trimming wet shrubs. What happens is that the shrubs become soft because of rain as they absorb water & are a bit hard to break.

Bottom Line

Electric hedge trimmers can’t be used when it’s raining to avoid electrical shock. However, you can use it after rain with some precautions. While it’s safe to use it after rain, you shouldn’t try to operate one during storming because you still have an increased risk of terrible shock. With that in mind, you can go with a cordless hedge trimmer instead in emergency situations (if you have one).

In the above guide, we have covered all the important aspects you need to acknowledge when it comes to performing trimming tasks while raining. All in all, never forget to wear the safety gear appropriately and also keep the trimmer in the right working order by keeping its blade dry, sharpened, clean, and lubricated.

Rudy Sebastian

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