What Type File To Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades

People often get confused about what type of file they should use to sharpen hedge trimmer blades. 

And this is one of the common queries experts get from beginners. 

Trimmers can be sharpened nicely using a couple of methods. Making use of the file is one of the DIY ways you can easily do it at home.

Above all, it’ll make your trimming tasks a lot easier!

As sharpening the hedge trimmer blades is essential to keep your garden tools in good working condition, having a suitable file type is also important. 

A file is one of the most common tools used to sharpen hedge trimmer blades. 

However, not all files are created equal, and using the wrong type of file can lead to ineffective sharpening or even damage to the blades. 

Choosing the right type of file for sharpening your hedge trimmer blades is crucial for achieving optimal results. 

In this article, we will uncover the different types of files available for sharpening hedge trimmer blades and provide tips on how to select the best file for your needs.


An Overview Of What Type File To Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades

The type of file you should use to sharpen hedge trimmer blades depends on the material of the blades and the type of edge you want to achieve. 

Generally, a flat or rectangular-shaped file with a medium or fine grit is suitable for most hedge trimmer blades. 

However, for harder steel blades, a diamond-coated file may be necessary to sharpen them effectively.

When selecting a file, it is also essential to consider the tooth spacing of your hedge trimmer blades. 

For blades with wider tooth spacing, a larger flat file may be required. Conversely, for blades with narrower tooth spacing, a smaller flat file or the round file may be more suitable.

Ultimately, the best way to determine the right type of file for your hedge trimmer blades is to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or consult with a professional. 

By using the correct file and sharpening technique, you can keep your hedge trimmer blades sharp and ready for action.

Sharpening Your Hedge Trimmer With A Quality File – Top Instructions

Ideally, sharpening with the file must be done before the trimmer blades show signs of wear and tear.  Remember that your hedge trimmer’s lifespan is largely dependent on maintenance.

I recommend sharpening the stihl hedge trimmer sharpening tool every 50 hrs of usage to guarantee consistent cutting performance & to let you enjoy it for a long period of time.

Before getting into the steps, you also need to take some important safety precautions.

Think about the best ways to protect yourself on the go!

First, wear gloves and safety glasses made from high-quality material to prevent serious injuries. You also need to ensure that your machine should not start up accidentally or slip during the process of sharpening.

Now, let’s get into the step-by-step guide on how you should perform the sharpening process with the help of a good file;

Step 1: Clean The Teeth

While using, resin and plant sap accumulate on the trimmer’s cutting apparatus.

This eventually causes a lot of issues and makes the blades dull. It will also decrease the overall efficiency of the tool.

Remove this dirt efficiently with the help of a soft cloth right before you begin to sharpen its blades.

Related: How to Clean Hedge Trimmer Blades

Step 2: Sharpen The Trimmer Blades With A Flat File 

With only a few steps for sharpening the trimmer by hand, you can secure cutting-edge performance. 

First, you will utilize the flat file. Simply file towards the specific cutting edge. 

The flat file is actually designed to work when applied in one direction, & this method guarantees a nicely sharpened blade.

While sharpening, try using the file at a suitable angle, which is mentioned under Technical Data in the instructions for the tool.

Note that the file is effective only on the forward stroke, & so must be lifted from the surface while you move it back.

Also, avoid “sawing” back & forth on the surface using the file because this may dull the cutting edge again.

Be careful not to remove a lot of material while sharpening. The limit for abrasion is 5mm. And if you file off over this, the material strength might be compromised – eventually rendering your tool unusable.

Utilize the same number of strokes for every cutting edge – so all the blades have the same length.

Step 3: Remove Burrs Utilizing a Whetstone

You should only sharpen the cutting edge of every tooth. 

Don’t file the orange plastic cut protection or the integrated protection.

After that, you’ll need a whetstone for removing the burrs. Use it to smooth the burrs that contain developed on the blade’s underside during filing.

Turn the trimmer over so that you can efficiently work on the back side of the blades.

Slightly moisten them when you work.

Now, draw the whetstone along every blade, using a swiping motion carefully in the tip direction and soothing the roughened surface just as you go.

Step 4: Blade Care After Sharpening

And here, you’re almost done!

It’s time to give your freshly sharpened and efficient trimmer a little TLC.

For that, remove the grinding dust that was generated in the previous steps. 

The filing process will have removed the specific corrosion protection that was on the blades back then.

Next, you need to spray the apparatus with quality STIHL resin solvent. It will ensure that your tool continues to function well.

And yes, it is now ready to be used for a long time to come!

Note: If you don’t have enough time or expertise to do the task, you can also avail hedge trimmer sharpening service for your convenience.

Related: What To Use to Lubricate Hedge Trimmer Blades

What To Do When Your Hedge Trimmer Blades Aren’t Cutting Properly

If your hedge trimmer is not cutting properly, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

  1. The first thing to do is to inspect the blades for damage or dullness. If the blades are damaged or bent, they will need to be replaced. If they are simply dull, you can try sharpening them using a sharpening stone or file.
  2. If the blades are dirty or have debris stuck in them, they may not cut properly. Use a brush or compressed air to remove any debris or buildup on the blades.
  3. Moreover, if the blades are loose or not properly tensioned, they may not cut properly. Check your hedge trimmer’s manual for instructions on how to adjust the blade tension.
  4. If your hedge trimmer is electric or battery-powered
  5. , make sure the battery is fully charged or that the cord is properly connected to a power source.
  6. Applying a lubricant, such as oil or spray lubricant, to the blades can help them move more smoothly and cut more effectively.

By following these steps, you can diagnose and fix many common issues that can cause your hedge trimmer to not cut properly.

If none of the above steps solve the problem, it may be necessary to take your hedge trimmer to a professional for repair or replacement of parts such as the blades, motor, or gearbox.

Related: How To Maintain Hedge Trimmer

Benefits Of Sharpening Your Hedge Trimmer Using a File

There are numerous perks of sharpening the hedge trimmer with a file. It helps your tool in a tiptop condition. Let’s have a look at what more it does for the dedicated trimmer owners:

  • Easy Trimming Process

Using an efficient file to sharpen your tool will make the trimming tasks a lot easier. Plus, you’ll be able to complete the process very quickly – potentially saving you from extreme sunburn during hot summer months.

  • Convenient to Notice

It’s quite convenient to notice plants or gardens that a well-trimmed and neat, and that is only possible when sharpened blades are used to enhance their beauty. Beyond that, trimming the shrubs with a sharp, efficient blade can help them heal quickly.

  • They Last Longer

Sharpening the trimmer blades regularly will increase its lifespan and overall efficiency. You will not need to spend any extra time or money on replacement parts, and your hedge trimmer sharpening machine will likely serve you for many years to come.

  • Increased Efficiency

A sharp hedge trimmer can make quicker work of trimming hedges and shrubs, which can save you time and energy. You’ll be able to complete your trimming tasks more efficiently, allowing you to move on to other gardening tasks or simply enjoy your well-manicured landscape.

  • Reduced Strain On The Motor

When your hedge trimmer’s blades are dull, the motor has to work harder to make cuts. This can lead to increased wear and tear on the motor, which can ultimately shorten the lifespan of the trimmer. By keeping the blades sharp, you can reduce the strain on the motor and extend the life of your hedge trimmer.

Related: Do You Oil Hedge Trimmer Blades

Important Factors to Consider While Selecting a Type of File

When selecting a type of file to sharpen hedge trimmer blades, there are several things to consider:

  • Material of The Trimmer Blades

The material of your hedge trimmer blades will impact the type of file you need. For example, if your blades are made of hardened steel, you will need a file with a harder abrasive surface to sharpen them effectively.

  • Type of Edge You Want To Achieve

The type of edge you want to achieve will also influence the type of file you choose. For instance, if you want a fine, smooth edge, you may want to use a finer grit file.

  • Size of Grit 

The grit size of a file refers to the coarseness of the abrasive surface. Files with a higher grit number have a finer abrasive surface, while those with a lower grit number are coarser. The grit size you choose will depend on the condition of your blades and the type of edge you want to achieve.

  • File Shape

The shape of the file is also important to consider. Most hedge trimmer blades are straight, so a flat or rectangular file is typically used. However, if your blades have a curved shape, you may need a rounded or tapered file.

  • File Length

The length of the file will determine how much of the blade you can sharpen at once. If you have longer blades, you may want to choose a longer file to make the sharpening process more efficient.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can select the right type of file to sharpen your hedge trimmer blades effectively and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How Do You Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades At Home?

In order to sharpen the blades of the trimmer at home, make sure to wear appropriate protective clothing first. Now, use a flat file on every blade, applying it toward its cutting edge. Also, use the same number of strokes efficiently on each blade. Lastly, follow up by utilizing a whetstone to smooth the burrs and unevenness on all blades.

2) Can Hedge Trimmer Blades Be Sharpened?

The blades of the hedge trimmer can be sharpened manually, and it’s suggested that you do so on a regular basis. The task simply requires a whetstone, a flat file, and some careful attention. As an alternative, your STIHL dealer may sharpen them for you in a perfect way.

3) What Is The Best File For Sharpening Hedge Trimmers?

It’s good to stay away from utilizing a grinding tool for sharpening the trimmers unless you are a pro. The simplest and best is to use an efficient 10 inches long mill file. A flat file will also work well on pruning shears and hedges.

4) What Is The Best File For Sharpening a Scraper?

In the case of a scraper, you should utilize a fine file. Try looking for each with single parallel teeth rows. Notice that the teeth should be fine, generally labeled “smooth” and “second cut.” scrappers are easy to file because of their super soft nature. Avoid using coarse files would create deep scratches that are tough to remove. 

5) Should I Use Oil While Sharpening With a File?

While some people may choose to use oil when sharpening with a file, it is not necessarily recommended. Some experts argue that using oil can actually clog up the teeth of the file and make it less effective. Additionally, oil can sometimes interfere with the sharpening process by preventing the file from effectively removing material from the blade. 


Sharpening is an important part when it comes to routine maintenance of your trimmer.

Using the right type of file for sharpening hedge trimmer blades is important for maintaining the performance and longevity of your gardening tools. 

With a variety of file types available on the market, it can be challenging to determine which one is best suited for your needs. 

Overall, a flat file would help! However, you can also select other types for efficient sharpening.

By considering essential factors, including the material of your hedge trimmer blades, the type of edge you want to achieve, and your personal preferences, you can select a file that will provide the best possible outcomes. 

Good luck, folks!

Rudy Sebastian

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