How to Grease a Hedge Trimmer

A hedge trimmer is essential for any gardener indulging in cosmetic landscaping or keeping their garden neat and tidy. But proper maintenance of this tool is critical to ensure its efficient operation and longevity. One important aspect of this maintenance is greasing the trimmer. 

Whether you’re a DIY homeowner or a seasoned gardener, properly lubricating a trimmer is essential for your tool to run smoothly for years to come. In this guide, I’ll provide instructions for greasing STIHL and ECHO trimmers, two of the most popular brands on the market. 

I’ll also cover the necessary tools, materials, and best practices for greasing your trimmer’s fittings. So, let’s dive in and learn how to lubricate a hedge trimmer like a pro.


How to Grease Hedge Trimmer?

Greasing hedge trimmers first requires gathering materials for lubrication and preparing the tool using a cloth to clean the dirt from its surface. Proceed with loading a grease gun to apply a small amount of lubricant to the trimmer fittings. Wipe off excess grease and test run the tool to assess its performance. Also, avoid over-greasing the trimmer.

But why greasing a trimmer is essential, and how often should you do it? Let’s explore this further.

Why Greasing a Trimmer is Important?

Trimmers have many moving components, such as blades, gears, and bearings, requiring proper lubrication. Without greasing, these parts will wear and tear faster and eventually fail, leading to costly repairs or replacements. 

Regularly lubricating your trimmer can prevent rust accumulation and corrosion and reduce wear and tear, ensuring it operates frictionlessly.

How Often to Grease Hedge Trimmer?

How often you need to grease a trimmer depends on your frequency of use and the manufacturer’s recommendations about greasing. As a general rule of thumb, you should lubricate your trimmer after every 10 hours of use or once a year. 

If unusual noises are emitting from the tool, such as grinding or squeaking, or it is not trimming properly, it needs lubrication. 

What Items Do You Need to Grease the Trimmer?

Before you start lubricating your trimmer, it’s vital to have the right tools at hand. You’ll need the following items:

Grease Gun

You’ll need a grease gun and a handheld tool to apply grease on your trimmer fittings. It enables you to use the lubricant with more control and precision, making the job easier and more efficient. 

Grease Cartridge

A grease cartridge contains the grease to apply on the trimmer fittings. 

Cleaning Rag

A cleaning rag is necessary to wipe off excess grease, keeping your trimmer clean during the greasing process.

Gloves and Safety Goggles

Grease is messy to wash off, and fittings can injure your hands. Therefore, wear protective gloves. Also, safety goggles are important to wear as the lubricant can shoot out unexpectedly from the high-pressure grease gun and get into your eyes. 

Manufacturer’s Manual

Make sure to read the manufacturer’s manual thoroughly, as it will provide you with the correct way to grease your trimmer and information about its maintenance. Also, only use the lubricant for your trimmer fittings recommended in the manual.

How to Grease a STIHL Hedge Trimmer?

Once you’ve gathered the materials necessary for the greasing process, here’s how you can grease your STIHL hedge trimmer:

Step 1: Clean the Trimmer

Clean your STIHL trimmer with a soft rag. Use it to wipe off any dirt or debris from the device’s surface. Cleaning your trimmer will ensure the grease will reach all parts of the tool.

Step 2: Locate the Fittings

Look for your trimmer fittings. These are usually located on the blades, bearings, and gear. To find them, refer to the manufacturer’s manual about your STIHL trimmer. The manual will correctly indicate how many fittings are there and where they are located. 

Step 3: Load the Grease Gun

Load the grease gun with the grease cartridge. Only use a gun that is specifically designed to lubricate STIHL trimmers. The recommended grease for STIHL trimmers is STIHL multi-purpose grease. Don’t forget to follow the manufacturer’s manual for correctly loading the cartridge. 

Step 4: Apply the Lubricant

Once you’ve loaded the grease gun, insert its nozzle in the first fitting and apply a small quantity of lubricant. The amount of grease you’ll need to use will depend on the size of the fittings and the manufacturer’s recommendation. After you apply the lubricant to the first fitting, proceed with the next one, and so on, until all fittings are well-lubricated. 

Step 5: Wipe off Excess Grease

Once you complete the greasing task, use a rag to wipe off any excess grease so it won’t attract dirt or debris, which can damage your tool. Don’t use the same cloth you’ve used to clean the trimmer before the greasing process. 

Step 6: Test the Trimmer

It’s time to test-run your STIHL trimmer. Switch on the tool and check for unusual noises. If your trimmer operates smoothly and quietly, you’ve done an excellent job. This step is also important to distribute the grease among all fittings evenly.

Related: How to Start a Hedge Trimmer?

How to Grease ECHO Hedge Trimmer?

Follow the same steps for greasing ECHO trimmer fittings mentioned for the STIHL one. But this time, use ECHO Power Blend Xtended Life Oil lubricant to lubricate your ECHO trimmer. 

That’s because different manufacturers use specific types of metal coatings and alloys for their trimmer fittings which react differently to various kinds of grease. Using the wrong type of lubricant can lead to corrosion, wear, and tear, which can seriously impact the performance and lifespan of your trimmer. 

Also, follow the manufacturer manual for the ECHO trimmer to locate its fittings and apply the recommended amount of grease.

Related: Can I Use WD40 to Lubricate Hedge Trimmer?

Can Improper Greasing Cause Damage to the Trimmer?

Yes, improper greasing can damage your trimmer. Over-greasing the tool will lead to excess grease buildup, which can attract dirt and debris, jamming the trimmer as a result. If the fittings are clogged, your device will become less effective at trimming, heating the motor, or causing damage to other parts.

On the other hand, under-greasing the device will lead to excessive wear and tear due to the friction between the moving parts. This can render the trimmer ineffective, leading to costly repairs or replacements. To avoid these issues, follow the outlined schedule recommended in the manufacturer’s manual for your specific trimmer model.


Why it’s important to grease a hedge trimmer?

The frequent use of your trimmer can wear it down. Therefore, lubricating its moving parts is essential as it will reduce friction and extend its life span.

How to know if my ECHO trimmer needs lubrication?

If your ECHO trimmer is emitting unusual noises or vibrations, these are signs that it needs lubrication. More symptoms include difficulty starting the engine or excessive heat coming out from the tool.

What can I use to lubricate my hedge trimmer?

It’s important to use grease specifically designed to lubricate small engines like a trimmer. Look for a high-quality multi-purpose grease recommended by the manufacturer’s manual for your trimmer that is compatible with it. 

Can I grease my trimmer or take it to a professional?

You can grease your trimmer yourself as long as you choose the correct type of grease and follow the manufacturer’s manual for your trimmer model. However, if you are unsure about the process or feel hesitant doing the task yourself, it’s always best to take your trimmer to a professional.

Do I need to clean my trimmer before the greasing process?

Yes, it’s crucial to clean the trimmer before you begin the greasing process is vital. This will help remove any remnants of old grease, dirt, or debris hindering the lubrication procedure. Before applying the lubricant, use a soft cloth or brush to clean the trimmer blades and other moving components.

What to do if I accidentally over-greased my STIHL trimmer?

If you accidentally over-greased your STIHL trimmer, use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe off excess grease. Be careful not to remove any parts of the tool that may have been affected by excess grease. If you are unsure what to do, it’s best to seek professional advice. 

Can I use any type of grease on my trimmer?

No, it’s important to use the right type of grease specifically designed for your trimmer. Otherwise, using the wrong lubricant can lead to poor performance and even damage the tool. Refer to the manufacturer’s manual for your trimmer model for guidance on what kind of grease to use.

Final Thoughts

Congratulation! Now you know how to grease a hedge trimmer like a pro. By following the steps outlined above and using the correct type of grease, you can keep your ECHO or STIHL trimmer in top condition for years to come. But remember, it’s important to grease your trimmer fittings regularly to prevent wear and tear and ensure it’s running optimally. 

And if you have any questions regarding the greasing process, don’t forget to consult the manufacturer’s manual for your specific trimmer model. If you are hesitant about greasing the trimmer fittings yourself, reach out to a professional for help.

Rudy Sebastian

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