How to Grease STIHL Hedge Trimmer

STIHL hedge trimmers are popular among gardeners due to their high-quality, durable design, powerful motors, and innovative features. But even the best tool will fail if you won’t maintain it properly. A trimmer’s performance depends on how well you maintain it, including greasing its blades and attachments. 

If you are checking this post, you may own a STIHL trimmer and wish to know “how to grease my STIHL hedge trimmer.” Don’t worry. In this guide, I’ll share the correct way to lubricate a STIHL trimmer and the best grease to choose from. 

I’ll also discuss how often you should apply grease on your trimmer blades and attachments to keep the tool in optimal condition.


How to Lubricate STIHL Hedge Trimmer?

Greasing STIHL hedge trimmers requires gathering the materials, preparing the tool for lubrication, and greasing the blades and attachments.

Before you lubricate your STIHL hedge trimmer, here are the types of grease to choose from and the materials you need to gather: 

Best Grease for STIHL Hedge Trimmer

It’s important to choose a type of grease that ensures the longevity and top-notch performance of your STIHL trimmer. Here are some of the best lubricants to choose from:

Lithium-Based Grease

Lithium-based grease is the most common lubricant used for greasing trimmer blades and attachments. It is a long-lasting grease that can withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for a trimmer you frequently use in hot environments for long periods.

Synthetic Grease

Synthetic grease is another option for greasing a STIHL trimmer. It can withstand water, chemicals, and extreme temperatures, providing superior resistance against harsher environments.

Teflon-Based Grease

Teflon-based grease is ideal for lubricating the STIHL trimmer if you use it in a wet or dusty environment. The Teflon particles provide enhanced resistance to water and dirt.

Marine-Grade Grease

Marine-grade grease is formulated to withstand saltwater environments. It provides superior lubrication that is highly resistant to water, making it ideal for STIHL trimmers used in coastal areas.

Related: How to Clean Hedge Trimmer Blades

Materials Needed for Greasing


Choose a lubricant that is long-lasting and can withstand extreme temperatures and harsh environments. I recommend choosing a Lithium-based grease. But make sure to follow the manufacturer’s manual for your specific model of STIHL trimmer to determine the type of recommended grease.


You’ll need a wrench to remove the blades and attachments from the STIHL trimmer. So you won’t have to maneuver to reach the parts that need greasing.

Cleaning Rag

A cleaning rag is also needed to clean the STIHL trimmer blades and attachments before greasing. This will ensure no debris or old grease is left to interfere with the greasing process.

Goggles and Gloves

Wearing goggles and protective gloves is crucial before you begin greasing the trimmer, as they will protect you from flying debris and spoiling your hands.


Use a level work surface or workbench to place the trimmer blades and attachments for greasing. This will keep them stable and ensure you have a clear and flat surface to work on.

Grease Gun

A grease gun is not compulsory, but it can make the greasing process easier, quick, and more efficient. The gun enables you to apply grease with precision without messy hand application.

How Do You Lubricate STIHL Hedge Trimmer Blades?

Regular greasing of your STIHL trimmer blades will ensure they cut effectively for longer. Here’s how to grease them:

Step 1: Switch Off the Trimmer

Switch off the STIHL trimmer and unplug it from the power source to avert any accidents during the greasing process.

Step 2: Remove the Blades

Use the wrench to unscrew the bolts holding the blades in place. But remember to refer to the manufacturer’s manual to check what to use to remove blades for your particular model of STIHL trimmer.

Step 3: Clean the Blades

Use a soft rag to clean the blades thoroughly to remove grime, loose leaves or twigs, and old grease from the cutting edges.

Step 4: Apply Grease

Apply a small amount of grease to the blade’s teeth and pivot points. But be careful not to apply too much, as this can cause the edges to stick, reducing their cutting efficiency.

Step 5: Spread the Lubricant

Use a clean cloth to evenly distribute the grease over the blade’s teeth and pivot points. Ensure the lubricant has reached every pivot point, groove, and teeth of the blades.

Step 6: Reassemble the Blades

Attach the blades back on the STIHL trimmer and tighten the bolts securely. Make sure the edges are properly aligned.

Step 7: Switch On the Trimmer

Switch on the trimmer to test run for a few minutes. Check whether the blades are running smoothly and cutting efficiently without noise.

Related: How To Lubricate Hedge Trimmer?

How to lubricate STIHL Hedge Trimmer Attachment?

Other than greasing the STIHL trimmer blades, lubricating its parts is also critical to ensure they don’t cost you in repair and maintenance and can last longer. 

For greasing the attachment’s gears, joints, and moving parts, follow the same steps mentioned above for lubricating STIHL hedge trimmer blades. Instead of using a cloth to apply lubricant by hand, you can use a grease gun. This will save time and ensure the grease is used in the correct amount and has reached every nook and cranny of the parts.

How Often to Grease STIHL Hedge Trimmer?

It is vital to regularly grease your STIHL trimmer blades and attachments to reduce wear and tear and to ensure they perform excellently without resistance. The frequency with which you must lubricate the trimmer depends on how often you use it and in what conditions. Here is a detailed explanation:

Occasional Usage

If you occasionally use your STIHL trimmery, greasing once a year will ensure your tool is well-lubricated.

Regular Usage

If you use your STIHL trimmer regularly, the tool is subject to more frequent wear and tear. Therefore, it is recommended to grease it every six months. 

Heavy Usage

If you use your STIHL trimmer for heavy-duty work, such as for cutting thick vegetation, it is suggested to grease it more often. Frequent trimmer use in a harsh and dusty environment or for heavy-duty tasks can lead to increased wear and tear. As a general rule of thumb, greasing it every month is recommended.

Related: How to Use a Hedge Trimmer in Simple and Easy Ways


What are the benefits of greasing a STIHL trimmer?

The benefits of greasing a STIHL trimmer include improved performance, longer lifespan, enhanced safety, and reduced maintenance costs and noise.

What amount of grease to use on a hedge trimmer?

The amount of grease to apply on a trimmer depends on its model and manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally, you should use a thin layer of grease on the trimmer blades and parts. But avoid over-greasing as it can attract dirt and debris, harming the tool’s cutting efficiency.

How do I lubricate my hedge trimmer blades?

Switch off the trimmer, and unscrew the bolts holding its blades in place. Use a cloth to clean the cutting edges and a grease gun or rag to apply lubricant over the blade’s teeth and pivot points. Switch on the trimmer and test run to check its cutting efficiency.

Can I use WD-40 to lubricate a STIHL hedge trimmer?

Yes, you can use WD-40 to lubricate the STIHL trimmer. But it’s not recommended as it’s not long-lasting and tends to evaporate, leaving the blades dry and unprotected. Also, it may attract dirt and debris as well because it’s not a proper lubricant.

What type of grease should I use to lubricate my hedge trimmer?

Lithium-based grease is ideal for applying on hedge trimmer blades and parts as it is long-lasting and can withstand high temperatures.

Which is better, silicone or lithium grease, for hedge trimmers?

Whether silicone grease is better for trimmers or lithium grease depends on the manufacturer’s recommendation and the specific model of the trimmer. But in general, lithium-based lubricant is best to use as it is formulated to apply on outdoor equipment. 

Moreover, it is resistant to water, rust, and high temperatures and can withstand extreme pressures. On the other hand, silicone-based grease doesn’t provide the same level of lubrication to protect components subject to severe wear and tear, such as cutting edges and the gearbox. 

It also doesn’t have the same water resistance as lithium-based grease, which can be a concern for a trimmer exposed to harsh environments. But a silicone-based grease is a good choice for lubricating the plastic and rubber components of the trimmer. 

Final Thoughts

Greasing your STIHL trimmer is a maintenance task that should not be overlooked. Regular lubrication of trimmer blades and attachments can improve the tool’s performance, reduce maintenance costs, increase lifespan, and enhance safety. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide on how to grease STIHL hedge trimmer, you can ensure your equipment is well-lubricated and protected from wear and tear. But remember to check the manufacturer’s manual for specific instructions on greasing the particular model of your STIHL trimmer.

Rudy Sebastian

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