How Thick a Branch Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut

If you plan to shape your garden with a trimmer, you must know its capabilities. A trimmer’s cutting capacity is one of the most critical factors to consider. This information is crucial to choose a suitable tool for the job. In this article, I’ll explore the variables that affect a trimmer’s cutting capacity. 

In addition, I’ll also provide a guideline for cutting branches with varying thicknesses, along with tips to avoid common mistakes in trimming the twigs safely. By the end of this article, you’ll understand how big a branch can a hedge trimmer cut. This will help you achieve the best results for your yard.


How Thick of a Branch Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut?

How thick of branches can a hedge trimmer cut depends on its cutting capacity, which is affected by various factors. You’ll need to consider the trimmer’s power, blade length, blade type, cutting mechanism, and thickness of the branch it needs to cut.

To learn how each factor affects the trimmer’s cutting ability, check out below:

Factors Influencing the Cutting Capacity of the Trimmer


Generally, a trimmer’s power defines its cutting ability. The more power it has, the thicker the branches it can clip. A high-powered trimmer will have a powerful motor, providing more torque to the blades. 

This means the blades can cut through thick branches with less effort and without jamming. However, a high-powered trimmer will also be heavier and potentially challenging to maneuver. So, choose a model that is suitable for your needs.

Blade Length

How thick a branch can Stihl hedge trimmer cut, or any other brand’s trimmer depends on its blade length. Longer blades provide more reach and leverage and can cut through thick branches simultaneously. But they are also difficult to control, especially when working on an intricate trimming task.

Blade Type

Commonly, there are two types of blades used in a trimmer. One is single-sided, and the other one is double-sided. The single-sided blades only cut in one direction, while the latter trim in both directions. 

Generally, double-sided blades are more efficient as they can cut branches in one go and provide a smoother and more precise trim. They are also easy to maneuver, making them ideal for shaping plants into intricate shapes.

Cutting Mechanism

Usually, garden trimmer blades come with two types of cutting mechanisms: reciprocating and rotating. A reciprocating trimmer blade uses a back-and-forth motion to trim the hedges. It is more suitable for cutting thicker branches, providing more torque to the sharp edges. 

But it can be heavier and challenging to control for longer periods. Whereas a rotating blade spins rapidly to trim the vegetation and is lighter and easier to manage, making it ideal for delicate trimming tasks. 

Branch Density and Thickness

The branch density and thickness also significantly impact a trimmer’s cutting capacity. Denser hedges are challenging to cut through and can cause the blades to get stuck, damage the cutting edges or cause the trimmer to stall. Therefore, it’s critical to choose a tool that has enough power and blade length to cut through denser branches. 

Maximum Cutting Capacity of Different Trimmers

The cutting capacity of a trimmer also depends on its type. Below I have mentioned the cutting ability of different models:

Electric Trimmers

Generally, electric trimmers have a blade length between 16 and 24 inches, and they can cut a branch up to ½ inch in thickness. Their power is measured in amps, so the higher the amps, the more powerful the tool is, allowing it to trim thicker hedges.

Related: Can You Use Electric Hedge Trimmer In The Rain

Cordless Trimmers

Cordless trimmers usually feature a blade length between 18 and 24 inches and can cut through a branch up to ¾ inches thick. Their power is measured in volts, so the higher the volts, the more likely they can clip thicker branches. However, cordless trimmers may have limited run time and require frequent charging. 

Petrol-Powered Trimmers

Petrol-powered trimmers come with a blade length ranging from 20 to 30 inches and can cut through a branch up to 1 inch thick. Their power is measured in cubic centimeters (cc), with higher cc ratings meaning more ability to cut through thicker vegetation. However, they are heavier and louder than other trimmer models.

How to Cut Thick Hedge Branches with a Trimmer?

Once you’ve chosen a trimmer for cutting thick branches, follow the steps below to clip them properly:

Clear the Hedge 

Before cutting the branches, clear the hedges of loose leaves and twigs. This will display the branches clearly, preventing the trimmer from getting stuck in them.

Assess the Branches

Assess the thickness of the branches you want to cut. If they are thicker than the maximum cutting capacity of your trimmer, use shears or a hand saw first to cut them down to a more manageable size.

Position the Trimmer

Grip the trimmer in both hands and position its blade at a 45-degree angle to the branches. Also, make sure the sharp edge is parallel to the ground.

Make the Cut

Move the trimmer blade gently and back and forth to cut a thick branch. Apply steady and firm pressure to cut through denser hedges. Stop immediately if you reach a branch too thick for clipping via the trimmer and switch to a hand saw.

Clean Up the Trimmer

Once you’ve done cutting thick vegetation, remove any debris from the trimmer blades. Additionally, clean them with a soft cloth and store the tool in a cool and dry place.

Related:Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut Through Small Branches?

Tips for Cutting Thicker Branches Safely with a Trimmer

If not done correctly, cutting thicker branches with a trimmer can be potentially dangerous. However, you can do it safely and efficiently with the proper technique. Here are a few tips for cutting thicker branches with a trimmer safely:

  • Choose a suitable trimmer that is capable of cutting through denser hedges. As mentioned earlier, petrol trimmers are ideal for clipping thick branches up to 1 inch in diameter.
  • Always wear proper safety wear like gloves, eye goggles, ear protection, and long-sleeved clothing. This will protect you from flying debris.
  • Always cut the branches at a slight angle. This will provide a precise and clean cut essential for a plant’s health and prevent the hedges from crushing the blades.
  • When cutting thicker branches, it’s ideal for working in smaller sections. Clip away the hedges a little bit at one time.
  • Make sure to regularly clean the trimmer and sharpen its blade to ensure it is working properly.

Common Mistakes When Cutting Thick Branches with a Trimmer and How to Avoid Them

You must be aware of the common mistakes that gardeners often commit when cutting thicker branches with a trimmer. Also, it’s essential to take precautions to avoid them from happening in the future:

  • Move the trimmer slowly and steadily, letting the blades do their work. Never force the trimmer to cut through branches thicker than its cutting capacity, as it can cause a jam or damage the blade.
  • If the branches are not uniform, hacking through them hastily with a trimmer will provide an uneven cut. So, take your time and work slowly. 
  • Cutting too much can lead to slower growth or death of the vegetation. Therefore, avoid clipping too much.
  • Cutting thick branches for a long period with the trimmer can cause overheating, motor damage, or even start a fire. Therefore, avoid using the tool too long and allow it to cool down between uses.


How big of branches will a hedge trimmer cut?

Typically a trimmer will cut twigs up to ¾ inches in thickness. However, some models, like fuel-powered ones, can cut branches up to 1 inch thick.

Can hedge trimmers cut blackberry bushes?

Yes, trimmers can cut blackberry bushes. Primarily if your blackberry plants are spread over a large area, a trimmer is an ideal tool that will enable you to clip at a large area in a short time.

How thick of a branch can a gas-powered hedge trimmer cut?

A gas-powered trimmer can cut a branch up to 1 inch thick, depending on its blade length and cutting mechanism. However, make sure to read the manufacturer’s manual to know whether the model you own has the ability to cut through thick branches. 

Can a hedge trimmer cut through woody branches?

Yes, some trimmers can cut through woody branches while others cannot. It’s vital to check the manufacturer’s manual to know whether the trimmer you wish to use is capable of cutting through thick branches.

Is it safe to cut thick branches with a hedge trimmer?

Yes, it’s quite safe to cut thick branches with a trimmer, depending on its type and the thickness of the hedges. Also, always prioritize safety by following the manufacturer’s manual.

How thick of a branch can an electric hedge trimmer cut?

An electric trimmer can cut up to ⅜ to ½ inch thick branches. However, this can vary depending on the tool’s blade length and power.

Final Thoughts

A hedge trimmer is a versatile tool to maintain and shape the appearance of hedges in your yard. But if you want it to cut dense shrubs, understanding how thick a branch can a hedge trimmer cut can help you make informed decisions about maintaining your landscaping. 

The cutting capacity of a trimmer is influenced by several factors, like blade length, branch thickness, cutting mechanism, and blade and trimmer type. Therefore, choose a suitable trimmer for the job. It’s also important to follow safety precautions and guidelines while using the tool to avoid any potential hazard.

Rudy Sebastian

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