How to Trim Holly Bushes With Hedge Trimmer

Holly bushes are a welcome addition to any landscape with their recognizable red berries and distinct leaves. They are iconic plants that remain evergreen throughout the year and are flexible enough to be used as hedges, decorative bushes, or border hedges.

Holly bushes need routine maintenance and proper trimming. Otherwise, they tend to grow more than five feet in height. If they grew denser, they could cut air circulation, and sunlight won’t penetrate the inner growth, exposing them to diseases.

But as they have quite prickly leaves, it’s challenging to prune them by hand. That’s why some people prefer to cut them all so they can grow again. But a hedge trimmer is a wonderful tool to trim huge bushes quickly without the need to cut the plants.

However, you’ll need to follow a specific way of trimming holly hedges as they are slow-growing. In this post, I’ll guide you step by step about how to prune overgrown holly bushes and in what shape to trim them. I’ll also share which season is the best for clipping them. So, keep reading.


How to Trim Holly Bushes With Hedge Trimmer?

Holly bushes have dense growth and sharp leaves. Therefore, you’ll need to take some safety precautions before trimming them. Next, assess the size of the plants, and decide on the design you want for them. Start pruning the side of the bushes and proceed to the top. Further, move to the front of the hedges and prune them in shape. As a last step, clean loose twigs and fallen leaves.

Before trimming holly plants, I recommend wearing protective gear like gloves as they have prickly leaves. Also, put on ear muffs to cancel the noise of the trimmer and eyewear to protect your eyes against flying debris.

Don’t wear loose clothing, and keep your fingers away from the tool’s cutting edges. If you are using an electric trimmer, keep its cable clear from the blades. Next, follow the steps below to trim the holly plants:

Step 1: Check the Size of the Bushes

Before you begin snipping the holly bushes into shape, get the measure of their size to know how much to trim. Larger plants require more effort, so ensure you can work with them.

Also, determine what size and design you want for your holly bushes. Choose a trimmer with a long blade and serrated teeth so you won’t have to stand too close to the prickly leaves.

Step 2: Remove Bird Nests

Wildlife often resides in the holly hedges. So, look carefully for any birds or wasps’ nests in the branches. Remove them carefully to avoid injury or the danger of being bitten while trimming.

Step 3: Use a String as a Guide

Use a string to guide you with trimming. Some people can assess how much trim needs to be done by looking at the bushes. But it’s a tad difficult to discern, especially when the hedges are extremely tall with dense growth. So take two wooden stakes. Drive one into the ground near the holly bushes and tie the end of the string to it.

Drive the second stake on the ground at the other side of the plants, tauten the string and tie it to the stake. Choose a color for the thread that will stand out against the hedges. Follow the string as a guideline for trimming the holly bushes.

Step 4: Trim the Holly Plants

Switch on your hedge trimmer and run it along the sides of the holly bushes. Make clean and even cuts by holding the tool vertically. Next, proceed to the top. If the plants are high, use a stepladder to reach them.

Make smooth cuts by holding the trimmer horizontally. Once you are done with the sides and top, move to the bottom of the holly hedges. Based on the design you wish to produce, trim the bushes one foot above the ground.

Or, if you want to expose more of the plant’s base, prune them two feet from the bottom. In addition, remove the branches near the nodes so the bushes can bloom better.

Step 5: Clean Up the Area

Once you’ve trimmed the holly plants, it’s time to clean up the fallen twigs and leaves. Use a blower or garden rake to clear all the scattered berries, leaves, and branches. You can use them to produce compost for your garden so they won’t waste.

What Shape to Trim Holly Bushes?

It’s vital to trim the holly hedges in a natural shape, so they don’t grow too dense to prevent sunlight from penetrating them. Here are some tips for how to shape holly bushes:

  • Remove the dead and diseased branches and cut the bushes back to the point where there is healthy growth.
  • Trim the interior of the plants to increase air circulation and sunlight penetration.
  • Remove the branches that are crisscrossing or rubbing against each other.
  • You can trim the holly bushes to an oval or round shape for a balanced look.
  • For a formal shape, use the hedge trimmer to neaten the hedges into a symmetrical form with straight edges.

Related: How to Use a Hedge Trimmer in Simple and Easy Ways

How Much Can You Cut Back Holly Bushes?

As holly plants are slow-growing, you’ll have to be really mindful of how much you can trim. A good rule of thumb is only to cut one-third of the foliage at one time to strike the right balance between new and existing growth. Here are some guidelines for trimming holly hedges:

  • Don’t trim too much, as the plants need their leaves to produce energy, and over-trimming will make them prone to diseases.
  • Don’t cut drastically, as the plants may go into shock, or you’ll be left with jagged edges.
  • If you want to trim more than one-third of the holly bushes, do it over two to three years.

Can You Trim Holly Bushes in Summer?

If you want to neaten the holly bushes in summer, yes, absolutely, you can trim them as they actively grow during this season. I suggest shearing off a small amount that allows them to bloom for the following year. However, it’s best to avoid trimming them during the hottest summer months as the plants might be under stress due to the heat.

Can You Trim Holly Bushes in the Fall?

Fall is not the best time to trim holly bushes. If you prune them during this season, you might remove new growth that hasn’t yet bloomed adequately for winter. This makes the hedges vulnerable to damage from the cold climate.

Moreover, holly bushes usually produce berries during the fall season, and trimming them can remove potential berries which could have grown the following year. You can trim holly plants in spring as it’s the time when they have finished blooming.

Related: How to Sharpen a Hedge Trimmer? A Complete Guide


  • Can you use a hedge trimmer on a holly bush?

Yes, you can use a trimmer to prune holly bushes. But as they have sharp thorns, I recommend wearing protective handwear before using the tool.

  • How do you trim overgrown holly bushes?

Use a trimmer to get rid of overgrown holly plants. Start by trimming them from the sides and move to the top. Follow up with pruning the bottom.

  • What time of year should I trim my holly bushes?

Spring is the best season to trim holly hedges as it’s during that time the bushes have finished blooming.

Some varieties of plants will bleed sap if pruned at the wrong time. So, I would advise checking with a local gardening expert in your area to learn which time will be best to trim them according to your climate.

  • Can you severely cut back a holly tree?

Cutting the holly tree drastically will expose the plants to pests and diseases, or it could create an uneven cut. Besides, the holly hedges need their leaves to produce energy, and over-trimming them can damage their growth.

  • Do holly bushes need trimming?

Yes, holly bushes need trimming from time to time as they can grow overwhelmingly tall. Also, pruning them will help with their natural growth.

  • Do holly bushes have deep roots?

No, holly plants are known to have shallow roots that spread out widely. They are more suitable to grow in shallow and not-too-dry soil.

  • How do you reduce the height of a holly tree?

You can reduce the height of a holly tree by pruning it from the top into a natural shape with a trimmer.

  • How often should you trim holly bushes?

Once a year is sufficient for trimming holly trees. However, how frequently you can trim them depend on their variety, growth rate, size, and desired shape.

Final Thoughts

How to trim holly bushes with hedge trimmer? I’ve answered this query to the best of my knowledge and research in the above post. Holly trees can grow more than five feet in height. Therefore they need trimming from time to time.

Remember to wear protective gear as their leaves are prickly. Observe the bushes’ size before pruning, and use a hedge trimmer to prune them into your ideal shape. But don’t over-trim, as it would leave the holly plants susceptible to pests and diseases. Also, spring is the best month for pruning them.

Rudy Sebastian

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