How To Use Black and Decker Hedge Trimmer

Do you have overgrown hedges in your yard that need to be trimmed? Consider using a quality Black and Decker Hedge Trimmer! 

Yes, this powerful and versatile tool can easily tackle even the thickest branches and help shape your hedges into a clean, fascinating, and polished look. Additionally, you can also use it to maintain the growth habits of your plants.

You might have bought one already after being impressed with its incredible benefits people often talk about. 

But now you’re probably wondering how to use it appropriately and safely at home. Right? 

Well, Don’t Panic! 

It’s certainly not as hard as you think. As it is a famous proverb that “practice makes a man perfect,” so don’t be afraid to get out there and give it a try! 

Plus, be confident about your abilities, and get ready to trim the hedges with your NEW tool precisely.

To help you with this, I have conducted extensive research to create an informative guide that will provide you with all the information you need to know about how to use black and decker hedge trimmer to attain a beautifully manicured yard.

So, just grab your device, put on safety clothes and gloves, and dig right into the simple yet effective steps to do this job nicely;


FoolProof Steps On How To Use Black And Decker Hedge Trimmer Like a Pro!

The Black and Decker trimmer is a nice cordless device that you can use to cut overgrown shrubs and bushes in your garden.

Plus, they can also be used in place of traditional shears if you’re planning to cut plant habits rather than small branches.

In general, it has a straight blade that enables the user to make linear and even cuts along the edges and tops of the plant.

Here’s an enlightening guide on the steps you need to follow to acknowledge how to turn on black and decker hedge trimmer and then prepare your device for smooth and efficient usage:

Step 1. Insert The Battery

To start operating the Black and Decker trimmer, simply insert the appropriate battery for the tool. Use the battery with the suitable voltage on the trimmer

For instance, if you have a hedge trimmer of 20V, you need to use just 20V. For those trimmers that are bought with no or ‘bare’ batteries, you can utilize a 20V battery on the trimmer.

A replacement black and decker hedge trimmer battery can also be used with a voltage for your unit!

In order to insert its battery, position the connector at the battery pack’s top below the battery receiving area on the tool.

Now, hold the battery with the help of the connector facing up & slide it inside the specific receiving dock. Then, insert the pack of its battery into the port unless you hear the sound of a click.

Learn More: How to Use a Hedge Trimmer in Simple and Easy Ways

Step 2. Press Down The Trigger Lock, Then Squeeze The Tigger

Once you secure the battery properly, ignite the motor of your machine by unlocking the trigger first.

Generally, the lock button is the black toggle that is present right above the trigger handle. This toggle sits at the above side by default, facing toward the blades of the trimmer.

Use your thumb in order to press this particular toggle towards you and start squeezing the trigger.

I recommend using a single hand for pressing the trigger lock & squeezing the trigger because your other free hand need to hold the trimmer once the motor turns on.

Continue to press the trigger lock while simultaneously squeezing its trigger until you notice that the motor is running.

Step 3. Release The Lock Button Once The Motor Starts Running

Once the hedge trimmer’s motor starts running, gently release the trigger lock.

As you have enough charge in the battery, the motor must continue to run as long as you keep pressing the trigger.

Make sure that you don’t push the button lock towards the specific bail handle, as it can cause the blades of the tool to stop immediately.

Step 4. Keep Squeezing The Trigger

The blades should keep moving when the trigger is being pressed. If you want to keep your motor running smoothly, it’s necessary to squeeze the trigger. 

Once you release the trigger, the motor will suddenly halt, and its blades will not move later on.

Step 5. Keep One Hand On The Bail Handle And One On The Trigger

While using the Black and Decker trimmer, it’s crucial to hold the tool in a proper way.

The best way to hold your device is to keep one of your hands on the bail handle and the other one holding the trigger handle.

By holding it this way, its blades will face the opposite side of the user.

It’ll considerably lessen the risks of injury or accident by putting enough space between the falling hedge trimmer and the user.

Step 6. Sweep Across Excess Growth At An Angle

Sweep the moving blades of the trimmer across the desirable level of hedge you’re cutting. It’s important to keep in mind that a trimmer must be used on shrubs and hedges only. 

Black and Decker trimmers shouldn’t be used used as an efficient tree pruning device because the trimmer blades are designed to trim stems that are less than 4 inches thick.

It’s essential to sweep the blades across the particular hedge at an angle of 15 degrees in order to use the trimmer effectively.

This shouldn’t be exceeded because the blades of the trimmer protrude horizontally.

Simply utilize the bail handle to easily maneuver the blades. You can continue to sweep across the hedge top laterally to trim upright stems.

To cut the sides of the hedge, just move your grip to the bail handle’s other side and vertically move the trimmer blades.

Related: How To Trim a Hedge With a Hedge Trimmer

Step 7. Release And Lock The Trigger Button

Once you reach your desired shape of hedge habit, you can stop the motor by releasing the trigger. Wait for the blades to stop entirely. Push the trigger lock’s toggle towards the blades.

Don’t forget to lock the trigger before starting to put the machine aside. It’ll prevent injuries that may happen as a result of accidental pushing while it’s unlocked.

Step 8. Remove The Battery And Return The Blade Sheath

When you’re done with securing the trigger lock, remove the battery from its receiving port. The best part is that you don’t need to charge the battery after every use. 

So, you can simply refer to the indicators of battery level to examine if you should recharge the battery.

After removing the batteries, you can clean the blades to remove any dirt that may be stuck between them. Also, clean the blades with a towel or clean cloth dipped in soapy water to remove the remaining plant materials on the blade.

Return the blade shear over your device after cleaning it. The sheath will protect your hands while trimming is being stored. And they’ll work more efficiently even when in use.

Lastly, store the trimmer away from any chemicals or fertilizers. These substances can tend the steel to rust and eventually accelerate the wear and tear of blades.

Related: How To Remove Battery From Hedge Trimmer

Perks of Using Black and Decker Hedge Trimmer

Black and Decker hedge trimmer cordless is the best bet for regular trimming because most of them are highly compact and portal. With their lightweight design, full-length trigger, and built-in handle, they are made to offer more control to users while cutting for very less fatigue. Amazing, isn’t it?

Even if you are dealing with a highly denser hedge, you can get benefit from their strong power output features that help a lot to get through sturdy, thicker branches without much effort. Well, these were general advantages that this tool offers.

Let’s have a look at its top-notch perks to understand its value and importance:

  1. Versatility: Black and Decker trimmers offer a range of hedge trimmer models that are suitable for various tasks, including trimming hedges, shrubs, and bushes. They also have different blade lengths and cutting capacities, making them suitable for different types and sizes of plants.
  1. Convenience: It is designed with user convenience in mind. They are lightweight, easy to maneuver, and have comfortable grips, making them easy to use for extended periods. Also, you will find them reasonably priced, and they won’t even run out of power in the middle of the task because of the long battery life.
  1. Performance: These devices are especially known for their high-performance capabilities. They have powerful motors, as well as sharp blades, and are designed to make clean, precise cuts, resulting in a neat and professional-looking finish.
  1. Safety: With the wonderful safety features, you will always be protected from severe accidents. They have safety switches that prevent accidental startups, and some models also come with blade guards and safety shields to protect the user from flying debris.
  1. Durability: Black and Decker hedge trimmers are built to last. They are made with high-quality materials and are rigorously tested to ensure they can withstand heavy use and harsh outdoor conditions. This means they are a good investment that will provide reliable performance for years.
  1. Keep The Hedges Neat: You can keep all the hedges tidy and neat as they do their job quite efficiently and quickly – giving you more extra time to get on with other important things. The smaller models are easy to control and lightweight, but the bigger ones provide greater reach. It shows that you can also maintain deep or tall hedges on the go!
  1. Maximum Freedom: They will give you enough freedom to run on lithium-ion good-quality batteries, making them much more convenient and user-friendly than other alternatives. Typically, they use the same lithium batteries as the rest of the garden power tools – so that you can share one or more batteries between various devices, as long as they’re of a similar voltage. 

How To Sharpen Black And Decker Hedge Trimmer?

You can use a sharpening stone or a flat file to sharpen the nicks that may interface with the blades’ operation. But it’s crucial to note that blade sharpening isn’t recommended every time.

The Black and Decker trimmer blades are usually made of good quality steel material, and the material doesn’t require frequent sharpening. Just sharpen the trimmer blades when blade nicks appear because of contact with sturdy objects.

If the damage on the trimmer blades reduces the trim quality, you can always take effective measures. However, make sure that you sharpen only the damaged blades, not all the teeth blades, carelessly.

Before running the stone and files against the teeth of the blades, always ensure that you remove the battery. 

Apply some drops of lubricating oil on all the sharpened blades before you wipe the excess materials with the help of a clean cloth. Covering them with a quality sheath whenever it’s not operating is effective in preventing damage to the blades.

Related: Can You Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do you lock a Black and Decker hedge trimmer?

It’s quite simple and straightforward. You just need to press the button that is on the top of the trimmer. And once you press the top button and hand grip simultaneously, you won’t need to hold down the button at the top with your thumb. Once you release the grip, you again have to depress the top button.

2) Do Black & Decker hedge trimmers need to be sharpened?

The cutting blades of hedge trimmers are made from food-quality and tough steel. Therefore, you don’t need to sharpen them often with normal usage.

3) Do you have to put oil in a Black and Decker hedge trimmer?

It is not essential to lubricate the Black and Decker blades to prevent rusting as they’re pre-hardened and quality rust-resistant steel. Anyhow, you can always use a nice lubricant to clean them. I recommend using a WD-40 light spray to give a thin coating to the trimmer.

4) Does a hedge trimmer cut branches?

The hedge trimmers do not have sufficient horsepower to trim through tree branches. In fact, hedge trimmers can never do the tasks of more suitable tools like loppers or pruning shears. For the best outcomes, you can use some good quality tools for cutting trees.

5) How do you clean Black and Decker hedge trimmer corded blades?

Clean your trimmer blades using water and soap, as long as you dry off its blades at the end & lubricate it before storage in order to prevent the formation of rust. However, it’s sufficient to brush off the unit properly and then spray the blades with the help of WD-40 or any other spray-type lubricant right before storage.

Bottom Line

Black and Decker hedge trimmers can efficiently remove shrub or hedge overgrowth. It is a great tool to have in your gardening arsenal. With its powerful motor and precise blades, it can make quick work of even the toughest hedges.

In this article, we have thoroughly discussed everything about how to use the Black and Decker hedge trimmer in the best way possible. You’ll also get to explore how you can sharpen their blades and take care of your tool.

In the end, always make sure to prioritize safety by wearing protective gear, carefully examining the area to be trimmed, and following the manufacturer’s instructions. With some practice and patience, you’ll be able to achieve beautifully trimmed hedges and a perfectly manicured yard

So go ahead, give it a try, and make your neighbors amazed with the super amazing results!

Rudy Sebastian

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