Can You Use a Chainsaw as a Hedge Trimmer

Both hedge trimmers and chainsaws are helpful tools for gardeners. But each comes with distinctive features and differs in how it cuts through branches. A trimmer uses its blades in a back-and-forth motion to trim the shrubs evenly.

Whereas a chainsaw has a chain and teeth around the blade that rotates to cut through thick branches. Both tools can be used interchangeably to get the job done. But to answer your query, “can I use a chainsaw as a hedge trimmer,” will depend on the nature of the work.

To make your choice easier, I’ll compare the features of both tools and share when it is a good idea to use a chainsaw.


Can You Use a Chainsaw to Trim Hedges?

Typically, a chainsaw is the best tool for cutting thick hedges. But it won’t eat through the material in one go, so it’s not ideal for precise cutting. In contrast, a garden trimmer is perfect for pruning small leafy branches and will cut through them in one go, providing a more accurate and even cut. However, you can use a chainsaw instead of a trimmer if you have to cut through the thick foliage.

Both tools are suitable for various cutting jobs. So, below are their comparison to help you decide which one to choose and when:

Hedge Trimmer vs. Chainsaw

A trimmer and a saw have different ways of cutting through surfaces. A chainsaw has teeth on a chain that moves along the bar to tear through thick branches or even trees, similar to a hand saw.

It is a powerful tool that will cut the shrubs in no time. But at the same time, it will push the smaller branches away. The hedges will break unevenly, lacking the precision of the cut. In the end, you’ll have to use a shear to give a uniform shape to your shrubs.

On the other hand, a trimmer chops thin branches between its two blades and won’t cut thick material, just like scissors. It is lightweight, giving the operator complete control over the tool to trim the shrubs into different shapes and patterns.

A trimmer is less powerful than a rotating saw as its primary goal doesn’t involve cutting through thick surfaces. Its longer blade also helps it achieve even cuts over large areas. So, your need to use either of the tools comes down to how thick, or overgrown the hedges are.

How to Cut a Hedge With a Chainsaw?

It’s a good idea to chop hedges with a chainsaw when they are particularly overgrown and requires a lot of cutting. Afterward, you can smoothen the rough cuts with a shear or trimmer. But before using a saw, ensure its chain is sharp to avoid pushing the smaller branches away. Moreover, wear protective eyes and handwear.

I suggest putting light pressure on the saw to move it slowly on the branches. As hedges have thin branches, unlike trees, you’ll only need a single cut. Follow the steps below to use the saw effectively:

Step 1: Select a Bar Length

A trimmer’s grip forms a 90-degree angle with its cutting blade. Whereas in a saw, the grip aligns with its bar and chain. This means holding it is more challenging. Also, while cutting, the saw mainly uses the top of its bar. To have more control over the tool, I recommend using a shorter bar. 

Step 2: Sharpen the Cutters

For a saw to work efficiently through hedges, its cutting edges must be sharp. A dull or blunt tool will leave the branches instead of chopping them, taking more time to finish the job. You can sharpen the edges using an electric sharpener or a round file.

But make sure to use a filer with a diameter and filing angle as prescribed by your saw manufacturer. Also, mark each edge after you sharpen it so you won’t use the filer on the cutting teeth more than necessary. Or you can replace the chain if it has gone blunt due to wear or tear.

Step 3: Trim the Hedge

When trimming the hedge, ensure the saw is oiled and position it by holding it at waist level. Never raise it above your shoulders, as it is a heavy tool, and you will likely lose control of it.

In addition, keep the saw above the ground and trim the branches from its side to avoid kickback. Apply a little pressure and use the device up and down slowly to snip the hedges. This will prevent it from pushing the leaves and branches away.

Step 4: Give the Hedge a Uniform Shape

As mentioned above, a saw will leave you with a rougher cut, and you cannot use it to achieve the desired shape for the hedges. Therefore, once the cutting is done, use shears or a trimmer to even out the non-uniform edges and trim the plants to your desired shape or pattern.

Related: Can You Trim Rhododendrons With a Hedge Trimmer

Can You Use a Hedge Trimmer to Cut Branches?

Typically a trimmer is not well suited for cutting thicker and rigid hedges. Of course, you can use it to trim the tips of fragile branches. But with all the power its blades hold, there is a little gap between them, making it hard for the tool to tear through thick branches.

When the hedge is too tough to cut, it will put a huge strain on the trimmer’s engine. The branches will get stuck between the blades, and the tool will stop working.

This will lead to the wear and tear of the parts, and the chances of engine damage increase tenfolds. Therefore, you can only use a trimmer on young saplings when the branches are thin and green.

Related: How to Shape Bushes with Hedge Trimmer


What is the difference between a chainsaw and a hedge trimmer?

The difference between a trimmer and a saw lies in their functionalities. While both tools are used for cutting hedges, a saw is designed for chopping through thicker surfaces. A trimmer snips the edges of thin branches and is used specifically to give the shrubs a precise cut and shape.

Can you use chainsaw oil on hedge trimmer?

You cannot use saw oil to lubricate the trimmer as both tools have dissimilar parts that work differently. A saw will need bar-and-chain oil, while a trimmer will require 3-in-1 oil.

What is the difference between a hedge trimmer and a hedge cutter?

A cutter is a heavy-duty tool ideal for chopping down thick bushes and branches. Whereas a trimmer is mainly used for light work such as precision cutting and shaping the hedges.

Is it safe to use a chainsaw on hedges?

As long as you are familiar with using a saw on hedges and know how to control it, you’ll be safe to use it. But depending on the size of the shrubs, a saw can be equally dangerous. Therefore, make sure the branches you want to trim are not delicate.

After all, you don’t want the results to be disastrous instead of a cleaner look for your plants. Most saws come with added safety features that allow them to shut off if they get out of control. So, buy one that has an automatic switch.

Why does a chainsaw cut to one side?

If your saw cuts to only one side, the most probable causes are uneven wear and tear of the guide and chain bar. The bar rails can wear out due to the constant rotation of the chain. The tool may also cut only at one angle if it’s not sufficiently lubricated, has a worn-out sprocket, is not sharpened, or if its bar is incorrectly mounted.

Can you cut into the ground with a chainsaw?

Never use the saw in the ground as the dirt can dull the cutters and leads to wear and tear of the chain. It can also damage the sprocket.

Is it okay to prune with a chainsaw?

If you are a professional, it’s okay to use a saw to prune the hedges. However, use it only for plants shorter than shoulder height as it’s a powerful and heavy tool, and you can easily lose control of it. Also, steer clear of power lines while using a saw.

Final Thoughts

I have answered your query, “can you use a chainsaw as a hedge trimmer” to the best of my knowledge above. While a trimmer is useful for pruning thinner branches into shape, a saw is the best tool for cutting through particularly thick and overgrown shrubs.

But it’s not ideal for shaping the hedges, so you’ll have to use a shear or trimmer to prune the plants afterward. As it’s way more powerful and heavier than a trimmer having some prior expertise in handling it is crucial. Also, don’t forget to wear safety garb before using it.

Rudy Sebastian

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