Can I Use Hedge Trimmer to Cut Grass?

Even though a lawn mower is a great tool for cutting grass, you will struggle to use one when the grass is tall.

Now that using a lawn mower is challenging, you may be questioning, “can I use hedge trimmer to cut grass?”

Although a hedge trimmer is not often used to cut grass, when the grass is tall, it is the greatest option you have!

With that comes a slew of new questions, such as how to use it, what else it may be used for, its perks, and so on.

Let’s jump right in and learn everything there is to know about using hedge trimmer to cut grass with the help of this guide.


Can I Use Hedge Trimmer to Cut Grass?

A hedge trimmer is mostly meant for trimming and pruning; however, if the grass is overgrown and tall enough, you can surely use it to cut through it.

As the name implies, it is designed for trimming rather than cutting all the way down to the roots. Thus, using a hedge trimmer to cut the tall grass will definitely help you bring it to a level without damaging the grass.

The blade of the hedge trimmer is sharp and designed specifically for grass. Even the thickest grass is no challenge for it.

There are a few things you need to watch out for while using the hedge trimmer to cut the grass, the most important of which is that the grass must be completely dry.

You should be aware that cutting damp grass will lead to the damage of your hedge trimmer.

Because the grass is wet, it bends, and as you run the hedge trimmer over it, it will likely start to creep up into the grooves that hold the blade.

The hedge trimmer will either become stuck or clog up due to the blade damage, which will eventually burn out the motor.

Scroll down further into the guide to see some other things you should watch out for when using a hedge trimmer.

How to Use a Trimmer on Long Grass

To ensure a smooth and effortless trimming experience when using a hedge trimmer on your grass, follow the steps below.

Take Safety Measures

Taking precautions entails dressing appropriately to prevent injuries when working on the grass.

Wear gloves, protective eyewear to prevent debris from entering your eyes, and lastly, clothing that completely covers you.

Also, remove any jewelry or scarf you may be wearing before beginning to work on the grass with a hedge trimmer to avoid getting anything stuck in the trimmer’s blade.

Examine the Area

Since you’re working on long grass and can’t see what’s underneath, there is a chance that there may be anything substantial in there, such as rocks, metal pipes, garden ornaments, etc.

You must be sure to get rid of them before beginning to cut the grass.

This is necessary because allowing your hedge trimmer to come into touch with something solid could potentially damage the blade.

Keep the Cord Out of the Way

It’s important to keep the power cord out of the way while using a corded electric hedge trimmer since there is a considerable danger that the trimmer may cut its own power cord.

Position Yourself Properly

You must pay close attention now while you are trimming the tall, overgrown grass. Most people lean over to cut it, but I do not advise doing this because it could harm your back.

Instead, you may sit on a small tool while bending over at the knees. By doing it this way, you won’t hurt yourself and can cut the grass effectively.

Start Cutting

To cut the grass neatly, you’ll need to maintain the blade level.

Once you’ve managed to keep it level, begin carefully cutting the grass with it. You must learn the art of moving slowly if you want your grass to be perfectly trimmed.

Additionally, be careful not to position the hedge trimmer too closely to the ground. It needs to be raised several inches from the ground.

Take Breaks

When cutting the grass, it is best to take a few short breaks so you can clear the clippings.

This method of cutting the grass is very effective because cutting tall grass isn’t as simple as it may seem and may be a little perplexing for you.

The tall grass, with its clippings scattered over it, can make it difficult to tell what you’ve already cut and what needs to be cut.

It is advisable to carry out the job in sections to make it easier. You can take a break in the middle, remove the clippings, and then carry on. By doing so, you’ll be able to see the grass clearly and cut it successfully using a hedge trimmer.

Advantages of Using a Hedge Trimmer to Cut Grass

When compared to other tools, using a hedge trimmer provides you with additional benefits.

  • It provides a quick and effective cut because it is motorized.
  • Cutting the grass off requires much less effort with a hedge trimmer.
  • It makes it easier to produce a level and smooth cut.

Even better is if you already have a cordless hedge trimmer or are considering purchasing one because it has more benefits.

First and foremost, you have cordless freedom. Who wouldn’t like to run about the garden cutting grass instead of worrying about the cord getting in between?

Furthermore, the lightweight design of the cordless hedge trimmers allows for a level cut because they are simple to grip and operate.

Related: How to Use a Hedge Trimmer in Simple and Easy Ways

Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut Small Trees?

The hedge trimmer cannot cut trees, no matter how small, as it has a blade designed particularly for cutting grass.

Although a hedge trimmer may cut tiny branches, it cannot cut a small tree since even a small tree has a thick width, thus it is best not to cut it with one.

If you try to cut it, you will harm your trimmer and the motor will likely seize.

Related: Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut Through Small Branches?

How Thick Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut?

A hedge trimmer can readily cut through material that is between one and two inches thick, but anything thicker than that could jam the blade.

What Else Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut?

Hedge trimmers can be used for more than just cutting grass; they can also be used to shape hedgerows and bushes, prune perennials and groundcovers, and cut very thin branches, weeds, bamboo, and vines. Cutting hay with hedge trimmer is also possible.

Let’s go over what it may cut in more detail:

Using Hedge Trimmer to Cut Weeds

Even if it’s not the most effective method, using a hedge trimmer to cut weeds is still fairly effective even though it takes a lot of time.

If you’re thinking about cutting little weeds, let me tell you that you’re putting yourself in a lot of trouble because using a hedge trimmer to do so is terribly inefficient.

For cutting larger weeds, the hedge trimmer could be useful, though. So, if you’re going to cut large weeds or remove them from the hedges, you can trim down the leaves with a hedge trimmer.

One thing you must ensure is that when you cut the large weeds, they are completely dry.

Related: How to Trim Holly Bushes With Hedge Trimmer

Cutting Pampas Grass With Hedge Trimmer

Using a hedge trimmer, you may not be able to cut the pampas grass’ stem, but you can definitely remove its leaves.

When cutting pampas grass, you must make sure you are properly attired because the grass contains sharp edges and could injure you.

Can a Hedge Trimmer Cut Vines

Even though cutting vines with a hedge trimmer can be difficult, it is not impossible. This is due to the vines’ tendency to tangle themselves around the trimmer’s blade and their free movement.

The fact that some vines are thick prevents a hedge trimmer from being able to cut every kind of vine.

If you’re fortunate enough to have a vine that a hedge trimmer can cut, work your way in from the outside edge. The trick is to move the trimmer back and forth smoothly.


Can you use hedge trimmer for grass?

You can cut grass using a hedge trimmer, but the grass needs to be tall and overgrown in order for the tool to work.

If you plan on running the hedge trimmer over small grass, it’s going to be ineffective.

How do you cut grass with a hedge trimmer?

When cutting grass with a hedge trimmer, you must keep the blade horizontal and parallel to the ground. However, you must keep the trimmer at least a few inches away from the soil to avoid damaging it.

The best way to cut long grass is to take breaks as you go. In this way, you can proceed after clearing the already-cut grass out of the path.

What can you cut with a hedge trimmer?

A hedge trimmer can obviously cut grass, but it can also cut thin branches, weeds, bamboo, pampas grass, and so on. It can also be used to shape bushes.

The blade of the hedge trimmer is made to be able to cut through things that are between 1-2 inches thick.

Can you use a trimmer to cut grass?

Trimming grass with a trimmer, or should I say cutting tall grass, is no great deal, but cutting it down from the roots with a hedge trimmer is certainly not a good idea.

Can you use hedge trimmer on tall grass?

You most definitely can! The blade of the hedge trimmer is specifically made to be able to cut tall grass, making the process quick and simple for you.

What can I use instead of a grass trimmer?

As an alternative to grass trimmers, you have three tool options. You can use hand trimmers, brush cutters, and lawn shears.

Although they may not all be as effective as a grass trimmer, they will surely give your lawn the look you have been desiring.

What is the best tool to cut grasses?

A string trimmer is an excellent tool for cutting overgrown grass as well as weeds.

Unlike a hedge trimmer, a string trimmer allows you to maneuver around barriers on the lawn like fences, shrubs, trees, etc.

What is the fastest way to cut grass?

Using a lawnmower is without a doubt the fastest way to cut the grass. It will efficiently clear your lawn, leaving it maintained.

However, utilizing a gas-powered string trimmer is the quickest method for cutting tall grass. It will clip the long grass in your lawn swiftly and efficiently.

What is the ⅓ rule in grass cutting? 

According to the 1/3 rule, you shouldn’t cut more than one third of the leaf tissue at once when cutting grass, regardless of the tool you use.

You risk affecting the growth of your grass if you don’t go by this rule.

Final Thoughts

It is safe to say that you can use a hedge trimmer to effortlessly and smoothly level up that tall grass in your lawn.

Make sure you have followed all necessary safety precautions and are adequately covered to protect yourself from any injury when cutting the grass.Along with having the answer to your question, ‘can I use hedge trimmer to cut grass’, you now also know how to trim it, so don’t waste any more time and get to work leveling that overgrown grass that has been nagging you.

Rudy Sebastian

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