How To Use a Pole Hedge Trimmer

Like lawns, shrubs, and hedgerows can quickly overgrow if they’re not kept a keen eye on. 

If you have bushes or hedges that are tough to reach, a pole hedge trimmer can be undeniably useful to have in your gardening arsenal.

It allows easy trimming and shaping even without the need for ladders.

Some hedges need more than a standard treatment because of their sizes. In that case, a pole trimmer will work amazingly!

Anyhow, like any other gardening tool, it is essential to know how to use a pole trimmer effectively and safely to get the best possible results.

Even though these tools negate the use of stepladder or ladder, they are still super powerful machines and can be dangerous if not used appropriately, particularly strong petrol-powered models.

Today, we will shed light on the basics of how to use a hedge trimmer on bushes, including the safety precautions to take, cutting techniques, and more!

Let’s start with the basics.


How To Use a Pole Hedge Trimmer – Things To Remember!

Whenever you start to operate dangerous equipment like trimmers, safety must be your prior concern. By making sure that you prepare everything efficiently before you begin, you’ll set yourself up to perform the best possible job.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can use the pole hedge trimmers:

#1. Keep an eye on the weather forecast

Although rain is beneficial for the garden, working in the rain can be risky, especially in the UK, where the weather can change frequently and catch you off guard. 

Simply looking out the window or relying on your sense of smell is not enough.

Instead, there are many weather websites and reliable apps that use satellite data to provide accurate weather forecasts for the day. 

It is recommended to consult these sources before deciding to work in the rain.

If you choose to work in the rain, it is suggested to invest in a good-quality raincoat and a sturdy pair of Wellington boots.

#2. Clothing and protective equipment

It is advisable to avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing when trimming hedges. 

Tighter-fitting attire is better as it minimizes the risk of garments getting tangled in the hedge trimmer’s blade or snagging on branches.

Additionally, it is important to wear sturdy work gloves during the trimming process.

When working with a large hedge trimmer, it is crucial to protect your eyes from potential hazards. 

Therefore, wearing appropriate safety goggles is vital, and regular spectacles or sunglasses are not suitable. 

Moreover, considering the height of the hedges, it is a sensible decision to wear a hard hat for added safety.

#3. Lubricate the blade before you start

It is advisable to lubricate the blade of your trimmer every time you start working, especially if it has not been in use for a long period.

To ensure optimal performance, apply a spray of lubricating oil to both the top and bottom of the blade. 

This step will ensure that your long-reach hedge trimmer is in perfect working condition before restarting it.

Although products like WD40 are suitable for lubricating blades, it is essential to consult the user manual to confirm if it is safe to use with your specific blade type before application.

Also Read: Can I Use WD40 to Lubricate Hedge Trimmer?

#4. Check the ground before proceeding

Before commencing the trimming process, it is advisable to inspect the ground where you will be working for any obstacles, such as debris or rabbit holes, that could pose tripping hazards.

This is particularly important when working with a hedge trimmer, as most of your attention will be directed upwards, making it easy to overlook potential hazards on the ground.

Taking necessary precautions is required, as stumbling or tripping while using a pole hedge trimmer can result in serious accidents. 

So, ensure that you carefully scan the ground and remove any potential obstacles to minimize any risks before starting work.

#5. Check the intended work area carefully

After ensuring that your tool is in excellent working condition, it is important to thoroughly check your planned work area for potential hazards. 

As most of your attention will be focused upwards during the trimming process, it is suggested to inspect the ground for debris, bumps, and other obstacles that could cause you to trip.

Another key factor to consider is the hedge itself, as birds may be nesting within it, particularly between March and August. 

If you discover a nest, it is best to slow down trimming and take this opportunity to observe the birds’ behavior using binoculars or a wildlife camera.

If no nests are present or the nesting season is over, it is still crucial to check the hedge before cutting. 

There is a possibility that someone might have thrown hard debris like bottles or other objects into it, which could pose a danger to you and your cordless pole hedge trimmer. 

Checking for foreign objects is necessary to avoid potential damage or injury.

#6. Examine the hedge you’re going to trim

Prior to the beginning of the trimming process, it’s important to examine the hedge you’ll be working on. 

Take a moment to look inside and verify that there are no unseen wires or cables within. Additionally, if you’re working during nesting season, it’s vital to confirm that no bird nests inside could be disturbed.

To avoid any legal involvement, it’s a good idea to enlighten yourself with the “Hedge Law” to ensure that you’re not breaking any regulations that could lead to grave consequences.

While inspecting the hedge, take the opportunity to extract any debris that could possibly enter your trimmer and result in a jam. 

This step can save you time and effort for a long time and keep your trimmer operating flawlessly.

#7. Lay tarpaulin to catch the trimmings

Using a tarpaulin to protect the area where you plan to trim can significantly clarify the cleanup procedure by making it easier to collect the trimmings afterward. 

Or else, you may need to manually rake up the trimmings, which can be much more time-consuming.

#8. Don’t move around too much

For optional effectiveness and safety, it’s suggested to remain stationary and trim each and everything within your reach before moving on to the next point. 

Mobilizing too much expands the chance of tripping over hurdles or slipping on wet ground, especially after rainfall. 

Remaining stationary permits better tool control and decreases the probability of rough cutting. 

If you find yourself getting stiff, taking a quick dance break in place can help loosen up your legs.

Related: Can You Use a Pole Saw as a Hedge Trimmer

Cutting Techniques

Once you’ve taken all the important precautions and know the use of a pole hedge trimmer, you’re ready to start trimming.

But while trimming, you definitely need to know the best cutting techniques to ensure a hassle-free task. Here you go!


With a pole hedge trimmer, you should always have a strong and right grip. It’s because it’s longer than a normal trimmer.

If you do not hold it appropriately, you’ll find it extremely heavy, and the balance will be distorted!

While using it in front of you at chest height or waist, you must place one hand on its handle at the rear of the tool and the other on the handle that’s furthest forward.

It’ll efficiently balance your trimmer’s weight between your two hands & provide you with the greatest control. 

Angle of work

Most pole hedge trimmers permit you to adjust the trimming head’s angle, and not utilizing the right angle is a big mistake that a lot of novices may make.

If you do not angle the head rightly, it’ll limit the ability to examine what you’re working on.

While working at chest or waist height, do not leave the blade entirely straight. If its blades are too straight, you’ll end up standing so close to the hedge or bush to see what you’re doing.

Instead, simply set the head at a specific slight angle, perhaps around 25°. It’ll enable you to stand back from the bushes slightly – providing you with a much better view of the work.

Stand in one place

It’s much better to stand in one place for a long time & to cut everything within reach and to move on than to cut while walking.

If you’ll keep moving, it’s much tougher to trim in a very straight line.

Related: How To Use Stihl Hedge Trimmer

Fine-tuning for Success: Prepare Your Tool for Optimal Performance

Once you’re done with trimming, you have to clean up the wastage and trimmings. Being a responsible gardener or enthusiast, taking care of the professional long reach hedge trimmer maintenance is important before you put it back into the shed.

Read on to explore more!

Clean your trimmer

Ensure that your tool is turned off. Then, place it on a sturdy work surface & remove the debris that has lodged in the blades.

Yes, it’s essential to do this right before you put it back into storage because it’ll be tougher if you leave debris to become crusted with time.

Always read the expert instructional manual before cleaning it – so as not to revoke its warranty.

This step even applies to all of the garden power machines, and you need to make sure to store them in a waterproof and appropriately insulated shed.

Also Read: How To Clean Carburetor on Hedge Trimmer?

Be aware that you will make a mess

When you trim hedges, you’ll inevitably end up with a substantial amount of trimmings scattered around. It’s important to exercise caution and avoid tripping over any sizable pieces. 

Additionally, it’s wise to proactively prepare for the subsequent cleanup task.

One of the ideal ways to save yourself effort and time is to lay some quality plastic sheets on the ground in order to catch all the trimmings.

After that, you can feed them into a chipper or shredder or simply stick them in the wheelbarrow to carry them over to the garden incinerator.

Plus, you can leave them on one side as well to be added to compost.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is the difference between a pole saw and a hedge trimmer?

Hedge trimmers are designed to work best with thin twigs or leaves on a bush. As long as their blades are sharp, hedge trimmers generally lack the power essential to cut through thick branches. If your yard basically features large trees, you may be better served by using a pole saw instead.

2) How effective is a pole hedge trimmer?

The efficiency of a pole hedge trimmer depends on numerous factors, such as the length of its blade, power, and the condition of the hedge to be trimmed. If you have an appropriately powered and well-maintained trimmer with a sharp blade, it can be extremely efficient in trimming hard-to-reach bushes and hedges. However, an damaged or underpowered trimmer may not be as effective.

3) How do I properly maintain my pole hedge trimmer?

To keep your trimmer in good condition and ensure it functions for a long time, it is crucial to maintain it properly. This includes cleaning the blades on a daily basis, sharpening them when necessary, and lubricating any moving parts. When you are not using the trimmer, store it in a dry and safe location to protect it from the components and prevent any damage or theft.

4) How do I use a pole hedge trimmer to trim hedges?

To certify safe and effective trimming, position yourself securely with a comfortable grip on the trimmer at a suitable angle. Start at the bottom of the hedge and work your way up using smooth, even strokes. Take breaks to prevent fatigue and switch off the trimmer and unplug it when complete.


To conclude what I have covered in this entire article, I would say that just be sure to examine the weather and never work in a stormy or rainy climate.

Also, don’t forget to wear safety clothing while using this gardening tool to avoid accidents!

Take care of the basic maintenance and keep your trimmer blades oiled and sharpened for efficient task completion.

In the end, you just need to be focused and consistent. Know how to use tree trimmer pole by following the above-mentioned guidelines, and thank me later!

Rudy Sebastian

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