How to Adjust Hedge Trimmer Blades

A hedge trimmer is a vital part of a gardener’s toolkit to trim and shape hedges, shrubs, and bushes. Like any other tool, it needs proper maintenance to function effectively. One critical aspect of maintaining a trimmer is to adjust its blades. The trimmer blades should be aligned correctly to achieve the best results. 

In this article, I’ll guide you about what to do to adjust blades and how tight should hedge trimmer blades be. So you can ensure your tool is always ready to tackle any landscaping task.

How to Align Hedge Trimmer Blades?

To adjust trimmer blades, you’ll first need to prepare the materials for aligning them, take safety precautions, and inspect the blades for any damage. Next, adjust the gap between the cutting edges and their angle and test them to make sure they are appropriately aligned.

Adjusting the blade requires a few tools readily available. Before you begin, ensure you have the following items:

Materials Required to Adjust the Trimmer Blades


A wrench is necessary to loosen the screws and adjust the angle and gap between the cutting edges. But make sure the wrench you choose is designed specifically for the size and type of screws used in your trimmer. Otherwise, you’ll run the risk of potentially damaging the screws or other parts of the tool.

Soft Rag

A soft rag will help you remove any dirt or debris from the blades that may interfere with their adjustment.

Lubricating Oil

You’ll also need lubricating oil to lubricate the blades after adjusting them. This will ensure they operate smoothly and have a long lifespan.

Work Gloves

You’ll also need protective gloves to protect your hand against the risk of injuries while aligning the cutting edges.

Related: How To Lubricate Hedge Trimmer?

Safety Precautions to Take Before Aligning the Blades

Before adjusting the trimmer blades, taking some safety precautions is necessary to avoid running the risk of injury. Here are some safety tips to follow:

Wear Proper Gear

When working on tools, always wear protective gear, including goggles, ear protection, and gloves to protect yourself against flying debris and noise. In addition, avoid wearing loose clothing as it can snag on the tool.

Switch off the Trimmer

Remove the power source and switch off the trimmer to prevent the blades from accidentally turning on and causing injury.

Inspect the Blades

Check the blades for any nicks, damage, wear, or tear. Any imperfection can impact the blade’s cutting ability, making the trimmer less efficient. Also, look for signs of dullness, rust, or pitting. If the blades are damaged, replace them.

Hold the Blades Carefully

As trimmer blades are sharp, mishandling them can lead to injury. Therefore, hold the edges carefully but gently when adjusting them.

Work on a Level Surface

Make sure to place the blades on a level surface to adjust them. This will prevent them from tipping over while you are working on them.

Keep Bystanders Away

Keep pets and children away from the area where you adjust the trimmer blades to avoid accidents. Also, clear the area of debris and make sure you are placing the blades on a dry surface.

Step-by-Step Guide for Adjusting Trimmer Blades

Aligning the trimmer blades is a relatively straightforward process. Here are step-by-step instructions to adjust them:

Remove the Power Source

Before aligning the cutting edges of a trimmer, make sure to remove its power source. If you use an electric trimmer, unplug it from the socket, or remove the battery for a cordless trimmer. For a petrol-powered trimmer, empty its fuel tank. 

Loosen the Nuts

Use the wrench to loosen the nuts holding the trimmer blades in place. Only loosen them enough that allows you to adjust the blades’ position.

Adjust the Gap

Locate the gap adjustment screw near the base of the blades. Proceed with using a feeler gauge to measure the space between the blades. Next, use the wrench to gently adjust the gap between the blades by turning the adjustment screw until only a 0.8mm gap is left. 

If the space is too wide, turn the adjustment screw clockwise, and if too small, move the adjustment screw counterclockwise to increase the gap. Align the blades in small increments until the desired gap is achieved. Use the feeler gauge to verify that the space between the cutting edges is now within the recommended range.

Align the Angle

Use the same wrench to adjust the angle of the blades. The cutting edges should be at a slight angle with each other to achieve maximum trimming efficiency and avert damaging the hedges. Align the angle by gently turning the adjustment screw. 

The optimal angle lies between 0 and 10 degrees. But it may vary depending on the model of your trimmer. So, make sure to check the manufacturer’s manual before aligning the angle.

Tighten the Screws

After adjusting the angle and gap between the blades, tighten the screws properly using the wrench. Tighten each screw in a diagonal pattern, ensuring the edges are tightened evenly and reducing the risk of misalignment. Make sure not to over-tighten the blades, as this can damage the threads in the screw hole.

Lubricate and Test the Blades

Visually inspect the blades for proper alignment, clean them with a soft rag, and apply oil before testing them. Switch the trimmer and test the cut on a small branch to check its performance. If the cut is not clean or the blades are still misaligned, you’ll need to adjust and tighten them again.

How often to check and adjust the blades?

Checking and adjusting the trimmer blades is a part of your tool’s routine maintenance. The frequency at which you should assess them greatly depends on how often you use them and the conditions in which you use them. Here are the general guidelines to follow:

Check Before Each Use

Before using the trimmer check the blades for misalignment, damage, or wear. This will help you detect any issues before they can become significant problems.

Adjust the Blades When Required

If you observe the blades are not aligned or are not trimming efficiently as they should, adjust them as needed. As a general rule of thumb, align the cutting edges after every 20 hours of use.

Sharpen the Blades When Needed

Over time, the blades can become dull and need to be sharpened. Aim to sharpen them every 50 hours of use.

Replace the Blades When Necessary

If you feel your trimmer blades are worn out and cannot be aligned or sharpened, replace them. Generally, you should replace the blades after 500 hours of use or every two years.

Related: Can You Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades


How to tighten Stihl hedge trimmer blades?

To tighten Stihl hedge trimmer blades, use a wrench to loosen the screws, and check for signs of any damage. Proceed with adjusting the angle and gap between blades, and tighten the screws periodically in a diagonal pattern. But be careful not to over-tighten.

How to change hedge trimmer blades?

To change the hedge trimmer blades, unplug the tool, remove the battery, or empty the fuel tank based on the model. Then, use a wrench to loosen the screws and remove the blades. Install the new blades and tighten the screws gradually in a diagonal pattern. 

Do you sharpen hedge trimmer blades?

Yes, you can sharpen trimmer blades using a filer or sharpening stone. Follow the original angle, sharpening the cutting edges at 20 to 30 degrees. Next, remove any burrs with a whetting stone and clean the blades before reattaching them.

Can I use a screwdriver to adjust my hedge trimmer blades?

It’s not recommended to use a screwdriver to align trimmer blades as it can damage them. Instead, use a wrench or pliers specifically designed to loosen and tighten the nuts on your trimmer blades. 

Can I adjust my hedge trimmer blades myself, or should I take them to a professional?

Yes, you can adjust the trimmer blades yourself if you are familiar with the process. However, if you have no know-how or don’t have the necessary tools, it’s best to take the blades to a professional for adjusting.

How tight should I tighten the screws on my hedge trimmer blades?

You should tighten the screws holding the trimmer blades in place snugly. But don’t overtight them as it can cause damage to the cutting edges or the trimmer itself. Follow the manufacturer’s manual for tightening the nuts, or tighten them gradually by following a diagonal pattern.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to adjust hedge trimmer blades is an essential part of its maintenance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can inspect your trimmer blades for damage, adjust their gap and angle and tighten the screws properly. 

Also, remember to take safety precautions, wear proper gear, use the right tools, and adjust the blades periodically. With these skills, you can keep your trimmer blades in optimal condition and enjoy clean and precise cuts every time.

Rudy Sebastian

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