How to Use a Hedge Trimmer in Simple and Easy Ways

Routine trimming your hedges with a trimmer aids in their natural growth and health. It also offers precise and cleaner cuts, providing a well-groomed look for your garden. 

But if you don’t know how to use a hedge trimmer safely, it could lead to a damaged motor or blades, unsightly cuts, and the threat of injuries. 

To avoid these risks, you must have knowledge of how to use various types of trimmers. In this post, I’ll share the working of a hedge trimmer, some tips to use it securely, and steps for how to hold and use electric, petrol, and battery trimmers.

how to use a hedge trimmer a complete guide

How to Use a Hedge Trimmer On Bushes?

To use a trimmer, you must be familiar with its usage and how to handle it in the right way. Depending on its power source, ensure the tool is plugged into the socket, charged, or fueled. Wear protective gear, hold the device correctly, and start trimming the hedges. Move the blades in a back-and-forth motion to prune the shrubs. Afterward, please switch off the tool, clean the blades, and lubricate them before storing.

Before using a hedge trimmer, wear safety glasses and thick gloves to protect against flying debris and external wounds. Then let’s find out what goes into the tool’s working and how to hold it correctly:

How Does a Hedge Trimmer Work?

A trimmer consists of a sharp single or double-sided blade powered by a petrol engine, battery, or electricity. The blade is made of durable steel and mounted on a rotating shaft connected to an energy source. A single-sided blade is used for shaping the shrubs, while the double-sided one is ideal for general trimming. 

When you switch on the trimmer, its shaft rotates rapidly, allowing the sharp blade to cut through thick hedges quickly. It features handles to grip safely, a safety switch to stop it from being turned on accidentally, and a guard to protect the operator against flying debris.

How to Hold a Hedge Trimmer?

How you hold your trimmer will impact the precision of the cuts, task duration, and your safety. Therefore, it’s important to remember the correct technique and adjust the tool as required. Here are some general rules to follow:

  • Grip the trimmer appropriately with one hand on the front handle located near the blade. Use the other hand to hold the rear handle situated close to the motor.
  • Keep your arms close to your torso to avoid strain on your shoulders and neck.
  • Never hold the trimmer with your fingertips. Wrap your entire fingers and thumbs around the handles.
  • Balance your body by standing with your legs apart at shoulder-width.
  • Place the blades parallel to the ground and advance with a back-and-forth action when trimming the sides of the shrubs.
  • Hold the trimmer at a tilted angle when pruning the top of the hedges to prevent damage to the branches.

How to Use an Electric Hedge Trimmer?

An electric trimmer requires you to plug it into a power source. Remember to use an RCD lead with the tool to protect against electric shocks. Clear the area of clutter, wear safety gear and switch on the device. 

Wait for it to warm up, and grip it appropriately. If you are right-handed, use the right hand on the front handle; if left-handed, use the left one to hold the rear handle. Follow the tips mentioned above to grip it in the right way. Next, start trimming.

Vertical Trimming

Typically vertical pruning is required when the hedge has grown too tall or wide at the top and is blocking light or view. But before trimming it vertically, briefly remove the top of a shrub first. Then proceed to use the trimmer in an arcing motion, moving it from the base to the top. 

Horizontal Trimming

Horizontal trimming is needed when the hedge has grown too broad and needs to be narrowed and sculpted into shape. It involves holding the trimmer blades at a 0-10 degrees horizontal angle and using them in a scything motion to trim the edges. It may take some time to prune wide hedges. I suggest cutting the top and sides first.

Only use horizontal trimming when the shrubs are less than your shoulder’s height. Also, it works only with proper footing, so I won’t advise using a ladder as it may be precarious for your balance. Instead, you can use a trimmer with an extended blade for horizontal pruning.

Secure the Trimmer

When done with your trimming work, switch off the tool and unplug it from the socket. Let it cool down, and clean the blades with a cleaning agent and soft rag. Lubricate the cutting edges and store the tool in a clean and dry place.

How to Use a Petrol Hedge Trimmer?

A petrol trimmer prunes hedges the same way as an electric trimmer; however, its mechanisms differ from the latter. It needs fuel to operate, is heavier, and requires more maintenance. However, it is also portable and more powerful, which makes this model ideal to use in remote places with large gardens and thicker hedges. 

Before using a petrol trimmer, you’ll need to fill its tank with fresh unleaded fuel. If it’s already filled, assess the oil level and add more if required. Wear protective gear and start the device’s engine following the manufacturer’s guidelines, as various models may need a different operation to switch on. 

Move the choke lever to the “start” position. Typically, most trimmers start by pulling the cord. If you have a trimmer with an electric button, push it, and when the engine starts, position the choke to the “run” or “normal” settings. 

Let the tool warm up for some time, and then trim the hedges. Use the same methods as mentioned earlier for vertical and horizontal trimming.

How to Use a Cordless Hedge Trimmer?

A cordless trimmer is also portable like a petrol trimmer but much quieter to work with. Also, you’ll need to charge and insert a lithium-ion battery inside the tool instead of fuel. First, ensure the device is switched off and position its locking lever to “open.” Insert the battery, and you’ll know it fits correctly when you hear an audible click.

Remove the blade guard and move the lever to unlock by keeping the rear handle trigger pressed. Press the front trigger switch and the back lever at the same time. Follow up with the same rules mentioned earlier for horizontal and vertical trimming.

Tips for Using a Hedge Trimmer Safely

Operating a powerful tool like a trimmer can be dangerous if not used safely. Therefore, you must prioritize safety by taking some preventative measures. Below are some general tips for using this device securely:

  • Never use the trimmer in wet weather, especially when using an electric trimmer.
  • Never wear loose clothing, as it can snag on branches while pruning. 
  • Wear non-slip shoes for a secure footing.
  • Remove dead leaves and branches from the hedges to prevent the debris from jamming into the blades.
  • Ensure the area is clear from pets and children, so they won’t risk tripping or knocking you off.
  • Always read the manufacturer’s manual carefully, as operating a trimmer may vary depending on its model.
  • Only use the trimmer for trimming hedges or shrubs. Don’t use it for cutting over thick branches, as it may hurt the blades.
  • As trimmers produce noise, pick a time of the day when your neighbors won’t be disturbed. Many countries have specific municipal rules for pruning hedges.
  • If using a cordless tool, remove the battery first before storing it.
  • Never operate the tool near a fire hazard or electric wires.
  • Take extra caution while using the trimmer on uneven ground or slopes.
  • Don’t operate the tool when you are fatigued or under the influence of alcohol.

What Type of Hedges Can You Trim With a Hedge Trimmer?

It’s vital to consider the hedge’s shape and size before using a garden trimmer, as it’s working may vary slightly based on the shrub type and growth pattern. Here are some tips for trimming different types of hedges with a trimmer:

Formal hedges

These hedges are already shaped into a particular shape, such as a cone or a box. To trim them, use the trimmer to make straight cuts along the top and sides of the bushes to keep them in the same shape.

Informal hedges

These hedges grow naturally and have not been shaped into a specific shape. Use the trimmer to remove the overgrown foliage that is sticking out or has grown too tall. You can also use the tool to trim them into your desired shape.

Tall bushes

Tall bushes are difficult to trim using a hedge trimmer. So you’ll have to use a step ladder to reach their top. However, I wouldn’t recommend using a ladder if you are unfamiliar with pruning tall hedges. Or you can use a sturdy ladder that won’t wobble and ask someone to hold it while trimming.


These are small plants grown as borders for adding texture to a garden. To trim them, use the trimmer to cut the extended branches.

Evergreen hedges

These are made of plants like juniper or cypress that last throughout the year. While trimming them, do not cut too much of the foliage, as evergreen hedges don’t grow back quickly.

Related: How to Sharpen a Hedge Trimmer


How do you cut a hedge for beginners?

As a beginner, you must choose a suitable trimmer model for your hedges. Assess their size, and begin trimming from the top, moving to the side, and then to the bottom. Trim in smaller sections and avoid cutting too much. Once the job finishes, clean the tool, lubricate and store it.

How do you use a hedge trimmer?

Various models of trimmers may require a different operation. But in general, switch on the tool and let it run for a few seconds to warm up. Hold the blade parallel to the ground and use it in a back-and-forth motion to trim. Remove the top, and proceed to the sides and then to the base of the plants.

Are hedge trimmers easy to use?

Trimmers are lightweight, come with a comfortable grip, and are relatively easy to maneuver and operate. However, like any powerful tool, they need specific techniques and familiarity. Therefore, you must take appropriate safety precautions and read the manufacturer’s guidelines before operating a trimmer.

How do you trim hedges with a trimmer?

You can use a trimmer to trim overgrown foliage and branches sticking out and maintain the hedges in your desired shape. Use the tool to prune the top first, then the sides and bottom.

What is the difference between a hedge trimmer and a hedge cutter?

A trimmer is a machine for pruning hedges and uses a power source such as fuel or electricity to run. It is usually used for tidying and shaping up shrubs. Whereas a hedge cutter is manually operated and used for heavy-duty tasks like cutting thick branches and bushes.

When should you not cut a hedge?

It’s not advisable to trim hedges when they are blooming to prevent damage to their growth and health. Also, don’t cut them during bird nesting season or when they are infested, as it could spread the disease to other plants. 

It’s better to ask a gardener expert in your area before trimming, as different species of hedges may vary in their growth pattern.

How do you cut a hedge perfectly?

First, assess the size of the hedge. If it is too tall, shear the top off, then proceed to the sides. However, if it is wide but not tall, cut the sides first, move to the top, and trim the base at the end. Hold the tool slightly inward to create a narrow and even top with the bottom. Next, prune the hedges into your desired shape.

Can a hedge trimmer cut through branches?

Yes, a trimmer can cut through branches. However, it’s not recommended to use the tool to cut over thick bushes.

What is the best tool to cut hedges?

A hedge trimmer is an ideal tool to cut and shape large areas of hedges quickly and maintain their natural growth.

Final Thoughts

Now you know how to use a hedge trimmer properly and can confidently prune your shrubs. If you were thinking before how to trim hedges by hand, you don’t need to do that. A trimmer can make it far easier and faster for you to prune and maintain large areas of hedges than a handheld shear would do. 

However, to use the tool appropriately, it’s crucial to be aware of safety measures. It’s also important to be familiar with the mechanisms and controls of a trimmer, as specifications to operate the device may vary based on its model. 

But with proper knowledge, precautions, familiarity, and practice, a trimmer is a great tool to achieve precise trimming and shape of hedges.

Rudy Sebastian

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