Can You Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades

Putting in all that effort to keep your garden in a good condition only to find out that your hedge trimmer wasn’t up to the task, huh? I completely understand how irritating that may be.

‘Can you sharpen hedge trimmer blades?’ Yeah, I read your thoughts, and that’s precisely what you’re thinking, isn’t it?

To clear things up for you, let me tell you that you can indeed sharpen your hedge trimmer blades at home using only a few basic methods.

Having received your answer, you might now wonder how to sharpen the blade.

In this guide, I’ve written down how to sharpen hedge trimmer blades, as well as the visible signs that you should look for to sharpen it, and much more!

Do not waste any more time and read on to learn how to sharpen your hedge trimmer blades.

Let’s go on.


Can You Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades

You can certainly sharpen your hedge trimmer on your own, and it is a fairly simple process. You just need to be extra cautious with your safety procedures, and that’s it!

You might not be aware of it, but it’s crucial to keep your blades sharp. You shouldn’t just do it when you notice a visible change; sharpening hedge trimmer blades should be a part of routine maintenance.

It is pretty common for the blades of your hedge trimmer to become blunted as it cuts through resins and branches. Therefore, it’s crucial to sharpen your hedge trimmer.

If you keep using those blunt blades on the plants, you’ll wind up harming them and making your work more challenging.

Additionally, the machine will have to work harder, which will reduce its operating life and impair how well it performs overall.

Dull blades not only make cutting more hard but also make the motor work more difficult. A motor that is running improperly may eventually cause harm due to overheating.

How to Tell if Your Blades Need Sharpening

The factors that determine whether the blades need to be sharpened are now something you must know. By this, as soon as you notice a visible sign, you can sharpen the blade to fix it rather than waiting for much more damage.

One evident symptom is that your hedge trimmer won’t work as effectively as it once did. And if it stops working properly, the first question you must ask yourself is, ‘did I sharpen the blade?’

You can also detect by noticing visible dullness in the blade, which occurs as a result of regular use of the blade. Furthermore, you should also investigate if you hear any grinding noise from the hedge trimmer.

Believe me when I say that the sharpness of the blades makes a world of difference. If you haven’t sharpened them, you’ll undoubtedly run into a lot of problems, so either be ready for it or do what’s right- sharpen it!

It is best to test the blade of your hedge trimmer after noticing these signs in order to validate them.

The simplest and most typical method to test it out is;

Cut branches with your hedge trimmer. If you notice that the hedge trimmer isn’t cutting the branch neatly and instead leaves an uneven or ragged edge, you should sharpen the blade right once.

Related: How to Sharpen a Hedge Trimmer? A Complete Guide

What Causes the Blades to Dull?

Although I have already stated that frequent use of the blade on materials such as branches and resins causes it to dull, however, why is this so? Let me explain.

Because twigs and branches contain sap, a sticky material, sap clings to the blade when you use your hedge trimmer to cut through them.

There is no doubt that the sap is in pretty small quantity; yet, as it accumulates in the blade over time, it causes the blade to lose its sharpness.

Safety Measures to Take Before Sharpening the Blade

Now, before I explain to you how to sharpen the hedge trimmer, let me guide you through some of the safety measures that are very important to follow.

First and foremost, you must put on safety glasses. You need to cover your eyes since it’s possible that metal shards will fly out when you sharpen the hedge trimmer’s blade and you don’t want them to get in your eyes.

Secondly, if you do not have gloves on your hands before beginning the process, do not even consider doing so. Even though regular safety gloves made of durable material would be helpful, having heavy duty gardening gloves is much better because they are cut-resistant.

Unplugging the hedge trimmer before working on it is the final and most crucial step. Check to make sure it is not plugged into the main power source because there is a chance it could turn on in the middle of the process.

How to Sharpen the Blade

Depending on the sort of hedge trimmer you have, there are a few various ways you can sharpen the blade as you proceed.

However, there are a few things that should be practiced regardless of the method you use and the sort of hedge trimmer you are working on.

Clean the Blade

The first thing you should keep in mind is that you should never work with dirty tools!

You are well aware that one of the main causes is sap buildup in the blade, which causes it to lose sharpness. Therefore, it is crucial that you first clean everything that has accumulated there so that you may begin the sharpening procedure with a clean blade.

It doesn’t require any special cleaning supplies. Even regular soap and water will suffice to clean the hedge trimmer.

To remove all the dirt and debris off the blade, just soak a cloth in soapy water and use it on the blade.

You may alternatively clean the obstinate dirt away with low-pressure water.

Align the Upper and Lower Hedge Trimmer Blades

Doing this is important because it will allow you to sharpen it equally if both blades are evenly positioned.

Additionally, aligning is not difficult and can be done with your hands.

Wear gloves and press the two blades together with your hands. When they’re near enough, it’ll be easy to file between each notch.

Sharpening Electric Hedge Trimmer Blades

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to sharpen an electric trimmer with a mill file;

Step 1: Remove the blade from the hedge trimmer by unscrewing it.

Step 2: Clean the blade.

While you are working on an electric trimmer, be careful not to get water in the electric part as this could lead to tool breakage or give you an electric shock.

Step 3: Align the upper and lower blades to maintain a precise filing.

Step 4: File in the proper direction. 

This is the step where you should focus the most. The file will only work effectively if it is moved in the forward stroke. Make sure you raise the file off the surface when you need to move it back rather than moving it back and forth.

Look closely as you lift the file since it shouldn’t be in touch with the blade.

Step 5: Use the same number of strokes for each cutting edge.

To ensure that all of the cutting edges are the same length and that the blade is uniformly sharp, apply the same number of strokes to each cutting edge.

Additionally, avoid filing the metal beyond 5mm because doing so can weaken the blade and lower the quality of the cut.

Step 6: Remove the burrs.

You may have seen burrs at the bottom of the blade. Since they might cause the blade to deteriorate more quickly, removing them is crucial.

To do so, use a sharpening stone, such as a whetstone, to scrape the burrs off.

Step 7: Apply a lubricant.

Finally, to keep the blade from rusting, wipe it off with a soft, clean cloth and then apply a lubricant.

Sharpening Gas-Powered Hedge Trimmer Blades

You can use a Dremel to sharpen a gas-powered hedge trimmer. It is a tool made specifically for sharpening the blades of tools like hedge trimmers.

A Dremel is simple to operate and works pretty quickly. It also allows for precise and smooth movement.

Simply glide the Dremel carefully toward the blade of the hedge trimmer. You don’t want to over sharpen the blade, so be careful not to exert too much pressure.

Sharpening Battery Hedge Trimmer Blades

I would prefer to use a power grinder to sharpen a battery hedge trimmer. Using a power grinder is the riskiest way, and I believe the battery hedge trimmer is the safest option. Therefore, using a power grinder on a safe tool may reduce the risk.

Power grinders run the risk of sparking, so you should use them with extreme caution and wear protective clothing.

Despite the fact that it is the greatest choice, beginners are not advised to use it. Only use the tool if you are familiar with how to use it properly.

There is no rule stating that these methods can only be utilized with a specific type of hedge trimmer. All three of these techniques work on all different types of hedge trimmers.

Related: Can You Use Electric Hedge Trimmer In The Rain

When Should You Sharpen the Blade?

After 50 hours of usage, your hedge trimmer’s blades will start to become blunt, so you should sharpen it depending on how often you use it.

The blade should ideally be sharpened before any obvious signs appear. This will also extend the life of your hedge trimmer.

Related: Can You Replace Hedge Trimmer Blades


How do you sharpen a hedge trimmer blade?

You can use a mill file to sharpen a hedge trimmer blade, which is the most common and simplest option but also the most time-consuming one. Even if you’re a beginner, you can still do it with ease at home.

Other than that, there are two other methods, including using a Dremel or a power grinder, which is a riskier method but one of the best ones.

How much does it cost to sharpen hedge trimmers?

If you choose to have your blades sharpened professionally, you may have to pay around $20 to $40.

However, doing it yourself would obviously be free with the exception of the one-time expense of purchasing the proper tool for sharpening the blade.

How often should you sharpen hedge trimmer blades?

The blades should be sharpened every 50 hours of use; therefore, when the blade needs sharpening relies entirely on your usage. If you use it excessively, it can require weekly sharpening, and if you use it sparingly, it will require monthly sharpening.

To be safe and to ensure that your hedge trimmer is properly maintained, it is advised to sharpen the blade before any signs appear.

Is wd40 good for hedge trimmer blades?

Wd40 is unquestionably an excellent lubricant. However, whether or not it is suitable for a hedge trimmer is debatable.

Nonetheless, I would not recommend using it because it attracts dirt more and dirt can end up destroying your hedge trimmer.

Should hedge trimmer blades be oiled?

Hedge trimmer blades should definitely be oiled! In fact, it plays a very important role in maintaining your hedge trimmer.

You must lubricate your hedge trimmer blades with a lightweight oil before and after each use.


‘Can you sharpen hedge trimmer blades?’ You can and you must! Sharpening your hedge trimmer blade is not difficult, and the fact that you can do it yourself leaves no excuse for not having them sharpened.

Working with blades can be dangerous, so make sure you carefully stick to all safety precautions as you go.

I hope this guide was of great use to you, and that you can now sharpen your hedge trimmer blade and cut your plants neatly and cleanly.

Rudy Sebastian

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