How To Trim Cedar Hedge With Electric Trimmer

Perhaps, cedar hedges are the most underestimated of all landscaping plants. However, we can’t deny the fact that their natural beauty not just improves your house’s curb appeal but also gives an enchanting complement to walkways, gardens, and lawns.

Hedges can highly boost the resale value of your home if neatly trimmed and well-maintained!

The cedar hedge stands out highly in the yard, but do you know how you can trim it appropriately using an electric trimmer?

Electric trimmers can save so much effort and time and let your hedge create a fascinating backdrop.

In short, the best way to trim hedges with an electric trimmer is to start at the bottom of the hedge and work your way upcoming at an angle. 

Simply cut a few inches at a time to get the shape you want. When you reach the top, hold the electric trimmer flat and move it slowly across the top to create a perfectly flat shape.

Simple and straight! Isn’t it?

Well, the process is absolutely uncomplicated to beautify your property and make your landscape look attractive (ultimately reflecting an eco-friendly environment), but there’s so much in between too.

Eager to explore the easy steps on how to trim cedar hedge with electric trimmer? Stay along!


How To Trim Cedar Hedges With Electric Trimmer – A Step-by-Step Guide

Cutting a cedar hedge with an electric trimmer can be a straightforward task if you follow the proper techniques and safety precautions. 

Before starting any trimming work, put on appropriate safety gear like gloves, safety glasses, and ear protection. Check the electric trimmer for any damages or issues before starting it.

Follow these steps if you don’t want to get in trouble while cutting cedar hedges:

Step 1. Know What To Trim

First, trim the top of the cedar hedges. Start trimming the top of the hedge first by moving the trimmer back and forth horizontally. 

Keep the blades parallel to the hedge’s top, and make sure to trim it evenly!

After that, begin trimming on the sides. Move to the sides of the hedge and work your way down, trimming it into the desired shape. 

Keep the trimmer at an angle, around 10 to 15 degrees from the hedge’s surface, and make sure to avoid cutting too deeply into the hedge.

Step 4. Give Your Hedge an Appropriate Shape

To make the cedar hedge remain green from the bottom to the upper part, it needs to be wider at the base than its top.

This way, the bottom leaves will not be shady by the above growth. 

Eventually, they will receive the maximum share of sunlight instead of thinning out and losing their foliage with the passage of time.

Plus, the top must be pyramidal or rounded – so that it can shed ice and snow more readily.

Step 3. Remember When To Trim

Once the ideal height is reached, you simply need to trim it more frequently for proper maintenance.

Make use of string and stakes to mark where you exactly want to do trimming, like in the case of any other hedge.

It will eventually give the most even, precise, and accurate cut.

Always use caution while working with your electric trimmers, and be mindful of the blades’ sharpness

That’s all about the quick yet effective steps on how to trim cedar hedges! With a little practice, you’ll be able to trim your cedar hedge like a pro!

When To Cut Cedar Hedge With Electric Trimmer

The best time to trim cedar hedges is early to late June, leaning on the current climate, right after the lilacs have ended blooming.

At this specific point, they finish maximum growth for the entire year!

However, its new growth will be lighter green compared to the stems of the previous year, and that is important because you would prune only into the recent year’s growth.

It’s also possible for you to prune it later in the season, till early September. 

But keep in mind that distinguishing between older growth and new growth is no longer as easy anymore, as it would have lost its “spring green” color.

Whenever you prune, your aim should be to remove around one-third or two-thirds of the current shoot’s length. 

Use either an electric trimmer or a motorized trimmer to perform this task efficiently.

All in all, the proper timing for cedar hedge cutting ensures healthy, attractive, and productive plants. According to experts, trees, and hedges have different trimming times and requirements.

Point to note: Young hedges always need less pruning, but once the required height is attained, you will have to prune annually.

What Happens If The Cedar Hedge Has Been Severely Neglected?

If your cedar hedge has become too or too wide as a result of carelessness, and you haven’t checked them for a long time, your workload becomes almost double.

Remember that cedars can grow from 1-3 feet every year, and pruning them back to an acceptable size may not even be possible for a common person. 

Unlike non-conifer hedges that you can trim back to the ground if needed and that’ll grow back very fairly, if you prune into the wood of an old cedar hedge, the regrowth will be comparatively irregular.

Also, the sides and open top will be full of dead patches in this case which will take many years to recuperate!

And you’ll even find it easier and better to tear out the cedar hedge and start it all over again!

However, while you may not be able to make a super fat hedge much lighter or thinner, you can certainly shorten a tall hedge. 

For this, simply prune a cedar hedge a minimum of 30 cm lower than you want it to be. 

First, it’ll leave your hedge with dead top and green sides. But if you carefully prune it every year, it’ll allow it to grow around 2 inches taller every season.

Gradually, you will be able to promote the growth of branches inward, and the dead center will begin to fill. Remember that this may take several years, so be patient!

Related: Can You Use a Hedge Trimmer to Cut Weeds

Can You Trim Wet Cedar Hedges With Electric Hedge Trimmers

Hedge trimmers don’t know the difference between dry and wet leaves. They’ll be able to trim through both easily. Therefore, only cut the branches that aren’t too thick.

To cut wet hedges, you should use only gas-powered trimmers and not electric ones!

And if you do it with electric trimmers, even accidentally under moist conditions, it will leave you in a never-ending battle. In short, never try to use anything that’s plugged into an electric outlet near wet cedar hedges.

Once you’ve got the suitable trimmer, there are some precautions you need to take to ensure that you’re protected and the trimmer isn’t damaged.

  • Dry all the areas that got wet with the help of a rag in order to prevent rust
  • Make sure the trimmer teeth are efficiently lubricated because the dampness will decrease the blades’ mobility
  • Wear shoes with nice traction if the ground is still slippery and wet
  • The teeth on the blades must be sharp, as wet branches will considerably reduce traction

Read More: Can You Use Electric Hedge Trimmer In The Rain

Helpful Tips To Know How To Trim Hedges With Electric Trimmer

When you have got the appropriate tool and you know which hedge type you currently have, trimming them every year is an absolutely simple job. 

  • Start from the bottom & work upwards
  • Just go gradually, and take your time
  • Take only a few inches off when you pass first
  • Make angle cuts in the specific side and then lay the blade blat to shape the top

Moving on, you also have to stay safe because trimming cedar hedges can be risky if safety isn’t your priority. 

For exceptional protection, make sure that you have all these things: 

  1. Close-toed good, quality shoes
  2. Protective eyewear and gloves
  3. Proper clothing covering your legs and arms

You also need to perform hedge trimmer maintenance regularly. Plus, make sure that the blades are rust-free, sharp, well-lubricated, and ready to go for every season!

Related: How To Lubricate Hedge Trimmer?

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How to trim overgrown cedar hedges?

Use the shortest branches of the cedar hedge to properly prune them as per the trimming guidelines. Following the pyramid growth of these hedges, efficiently prune the uneven foliage, and leave the bottom branches elongated. Trim as you move up the tree length. 

2) Can you use a hedge trimmer on cedars?

In general, cedars need very little maintenance. However, they need to be properly sheared with powerful pruners and electric trimmers once every year. This will result in promoting their growth and maintaining their shape.

3) What kills cedar hedges?

Adding excessive fertilizer can severely damage the roots of the cedar hedges and lead to the browning of tips. But at the same time, lack of fertilizer also causes the decline of the hedges. Moreover, overwatering and prolonged flooding can lead to the death of roots from the shortage of oxygen in the specific root zone.

4) How much can I cut off my cedar hedge?

Your hedge will look so much fuller at the base. Ensure that you don’t cut over one-third or a maximum of two-thirds of the cedar hedges each year. Watering your hedges on a daily basis enables their roots to go really deep and gather the minerals it requires.

5) Can I cut the lower branches of a cedar?

If you decide to keep the cedar trees or hedges, simply remove the branches from the bottom in order to keep them far away from sidewalks & trim the ops off where they specifically meet the eaves. Well, the only issue with this is that you’ll end up with a funny-looking specimen that’ll not resemble the initial tree.

6) How long does a cedar hedge last?

A cedar hedge can last from about 60 – 80 years in general, despite the fact that they don’t need much care or maintenance. Planted in well-drained, enriched soil, and full sunlight, they can live for many years to come without any major problems.

Bottom Line

Cedar hedge trimming near me is undoubtedly the best solution if you want to improve your yard’s landscape. It offers colorful and beautiful plants, fruit, and flowers.

In addition to that, it also offers a sense of solitude and privacy to your property. Overall, proper trimming keeps the cedar hedges in tip-top condition as well as good shape.

Select the right time to trim, and prepare the hedge; use a smooth, steady motion, and you can easily shape your hedge to perfection. 

By following our helpful tips and techniques on how to trim cedar trees, you’ll have a beautifully trimmed cedar hedge that will enhance the overall look of your property.

Rudy Sebastian

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