Can I Use WD40 to Lubricate Hedge Trimmer?

A tool must be maintained after use, and a hedge trimmer is no exception. However, the real concern here is not knowing what to use as a lubricant.

Since you’ve come here to find out “can I use WD40 to lubricate hedge trimmer,” allow me to set things straight for you.

‘There is no rule that says you can’t lubricate your hedge trimmer with WD40, nevertheless doing so is not recommended because it won’t last long.’

You’re probably wondering what kind of lubricant for hedge trimmer is best if not WD40, yeah? 

Well, let me assist you since I have all the answers and will even explain to you how to use the lubricant on your hedge trimmer, as well as safety precautions to take and other important information that you must be aware of.

Sit back and thoroughly read this guide to learn how to lubricate and maintain your hedge trimmer.

So, shall we go on?


Can I Use WD40 to Lubricate Hedge Trimmer

WD40 is originally intended for household cleaning purposes, thus it won’t work very well for a hedge trimmer and should not be used. However, if you still want to use it, feel free to do so!

WD40 is more of a solvent and water dispersant than a lubricant. There is no doubt that it will work effectively for other materials in your home, remove moisture and even prevent corrosion.

However, for a hedge trimmer, it will work differently and will not provide long-term lubrication.

In fact, using WD40 on your hedge trimmer could lead to buildup and sludge that affects the delicate parts of the trimmer. Additionally, it’ll probably draw in more dirt, and dirt always does more harm.

If you’re still considering using WD40 on your hedge trimmer, I’ve discussed it further down in the article, so take a look!

If not, I even have some alternatives for you that you wouldn’t want to pass up. 

Why Do Hedge Trimmers Need to Be Lubricated

Before I dive into using WD40 for lubricating hedge trimmer and other alternatives that you may be interested in, I believe it is crucial that you understand why lubrication is important. 

There are different sorts of hedge trimmers available today, including electric trimmers, gas-powered trimmers, and manual trimmers. No matter what kind you own, it’s vital to regularly lubricate each one for improved upkeep.

Your hedge trimmer’s blade comes into contact with even the roughest materials in your garden, therefore lubricating it is necessary to protect it and ensure that it continues to work effectively.

The hedge trimmer needs to deal with moisture and improper storage as many times as you use it, and all of this can cause rust and corrosion. It can further lead to a number of issues, including; 

  • deterioration of the blade which results in reduced cutting power,
  • blade becoming dry and worn out,
  • trimmer losing its effectiveness, 
  • and lastly, breakages and other malfunctions.

It is important to lubricate your hedge trimmer in order to avoid these situations.

Lubricating will keep the blades clean, and increase the efficiency of your hedge trimmer, and you may be surprised to learn that lubricating will also help extend the life of your hedge trimmer.

How Do You Lubricate a Hedge Trimmer

Can you use WD40 on hedge trimmers? Not really recommended, but sure, you can! 

So, regardless of whether you’re using WD40 or another alternative, the step-by-step procedure for lubricating a hedge trimmer that I’ve outlined below is what you may follow in all cases.

Now, lubricating a hedge trimmer means lubricating the blade. In order to avoid risking injury to yourself or damaging the blade, you must begin the lubrication process with caution.

Step 1: Proceed cautiously. Never begin with your hedge trimmer running. Before you start lubricating it, be sure to switch it off.

Step 2: Because you are now tinkering with the blades, you must remove the blade assembly from the hedge trimmer.

Step 3: Wipe the blade clean of any dust or grass clippings using a clean cloth.

Prior to lubricating, it is important to perform this step since the moisture from organic material lodged in the blade is what is ultimately causing the issue. Therefore, you must first remove it.

Step 4: Your blade is now prepared for the application of the lubricant, which in your case is WD40 (not necessary)

Apply the oil evenly across the entire blade surface; however, do not use excessive amounts to avoid gumming up the clippers.

Step 5: Wipe off any extra oil from the blade with a dry cloth.

Step 6: Put the trimmer’s blade back together.

Wasn’t it the simplest task? It won’t take you more than a minute, and you can now get back to work!

Safety Precautions to Follow Before Lubricating

By this point, you are already familiar with how to lubricate your hedge trimmer, so now let me go over the safety measures that must be followed before lubricating.

It’s crucial to understand that your safety comes before everything else, so take a look at these measures and put them into action!

  • Switch off the hedge trimmer

Prior to lubricating the blade of your hedge trimmer, you must ensure that there is not even the slightest chance of an accident.

In order to do this, turn off your hedge trimmer and, for safety’s sake, unplug it from the power source while you lubricate it.

  • Wear protective clothing

The importance of dressing adequately when working on such equipment, especially blades, cannot be emphasized enough.

Wear something that completely covers your body and is protective.

Additionally, keep in mind that you should wear cut-resistant gloves because you will be lubricating the blade.

  • Put on a mask and safety glasses

You must cover not only your body but also your face, thus you should wear glasses and a mask.

Lubricants come in a variety of forms, including sprays, therefore it is crucial to cover your face completely to protect yourself from fumes.

What Can I Use to Lubricate My Hedge Trimmer- Alternatives

Considering that a hedge trimmer will be used on plants and you don’t want the harsh chemicals to harm the plants, lightweight oils are the best choice of lubricants for a hedge trimmer.

A hedge trimmer would function flawlessly with certain lubricants that are manufactured specifically for this purpose. A few alternatives are silicone spray, graphite lubricant, etc.

Did you know that oils may be used to lubricate your hedge trimmer? You may be wondering what oil to use to lubricate hedge trimmer. Well, the best choice is light machine oil. Besides that, you could also use chain oil or vegetable oil.

Using Vegetable Oil to Lubricate a Hedge Trimmer

This is a great and simple alternative because, after all, who doesn’t have vegetable oil in their home? In fact, if you don’t have one, you can use any one that you normally use for cooking.

You may use vegetable oil or even vegetable oil spray; both options would be effective! It is a really light oil that is not at all harsh, making it an excellent choice. It won’t be damaging to your shrubs and plants.

Despite being a viable option, it does have one flaw. It will not last as long as other lubricants. In other words, it won’t long-term lubricate your hedge trimmer.

Using Silicone Spray to Lubricate a Hedge Trimmer

Using silicone spray is yet another excellent option. It effectively prevents the hedge trimmer from being rusted and damaged.

The silicone spray maintains the hedge trimmer’s lubrication and quietness, so you won’t have to deal with the harsh voice while working, which is definitely a plus!

Make sure not to apply too much silicone spray if you choose to use it on your hedge trimmer. Although it will not harm the trimmer, the chemicals in it will be too harsh for the plants because it is not as light as vegetable oil.

When Should You Lubricate Your Hedge Trimmer

The best course of action is to lubricate it each time you use the blade. Making these improvements will ensure smooth operation and prolonged tool life.

The blade needs to be lubricated both before and after use in your garden. Your blade will be kept from drying out and becoming damaged.

You could even need to lubricate it while using it if you’re using something like WD40, which does not last very long. However, be sure to take safety precautions that include turning off the hedge trimmer.

These factors may give you a hint that you should oil your hedge trimmer as you work with it;

  • The blade will become dry
  • It’ll start making noise

At the very least, lubricate it after every two uses if you can’t do it every time. Just make sure you don’t wait until the blade is dried out and rusted to lubricate it.

Related: How to Clean Hedge Trimmer Blades


Can you use WD40 on hedge trimmer blades?

You can definitely use WD40 on hedge trimmer blades. It is not recommended for use on a hedge trimmer because it will not work efficiently; nevertheless, if you have no other option, you may use it.

Since WD40 doesn’t give long-lasting lubrication, be sure to keep an eye out for warning signs while using your hedge trimmer so you can lubricate it as quickly as possible.

Can you use vegetable oil to lubricate tools?

You can use vegetable oil to lubricate a hedge trimmer as it is one of the best and lightest oils for the job.

It will work well for lubrication, however, it will not be as effective as other lubricants.

When should you not use WD40?

Due to the fact that WD40 attracts dirt and dust, you should avoid using it in dusty conditions since, despite the fact that you may think you are lubricating a material, you are actually exposing it to more filth, which will harm it.

Where should I not spray WD40

WD40 is safe to spray on whatever surface you choose, whether it be metal, wood, rubber, or plastic. 

However, if you are worried that the material will be damaged by exposure to filth, you might want to reconsider spraying it there.

Final Thoughts 

‘Can I use WD40 to lubricate hedge trimmer?’ You got your answer just above in the article, and in great detail!

I am aware that the answer is quite complicated, but if you want your hedge trimmers to live longer, you should refrain from applying WD40.

However, do not at all avoid lubricating it; for this, I have also provided you with other options. Lubricating it now will relieve you of more tension because your trimmer will undoubtedly cause you problems later if not lubricated.

Rudy Sebastian

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