What Size Hedge Trimmer Do I Need

The main purpose of hedge trimmers is to maintain formal hedges and create a uniform and tidy-looking yard. Even though other tools like shears are available in the market that you can use to cut your hedges, they are not as efficient and quick as hedge trimmers.

Due to their numerous benefits, many professional gardeners prefer hedge trimmers over other tools. Even if you are not a professional, you can purchase a hedge trimmer and save a lot of money by maintaining your yard yourself.

To meet their increasing demand, there are several brands that have started manufacturing hedge trimmers. You will find many different types and sizes at different prices, and the wide variety means that you can find one that is accustomed to your specific needs.

This variety also means that some people can get overwhelmed when looking for the best hedge trimmer for their garden. It is important to conduct a survey of your yard so that you know what size hedge trimmer you need to purchase.

This article will discuss all the factors that you need to keep in mind when browsing for the correct-sized hedge trimmer. Keep reading to find an in-depth review of hedge trimmers.


How Do I Choose The Right Size for a Hedge Trimmer?

Before you go online and start searching for a hedge trimmer, it is important that you go out and give your yard a thorough observation. Consider the type of hedges that you will be dealing with, and take a close look at how thick and long and thick they are.

Also, observe how accessible they are in terms of the distance between you and the hedges. Look at how large your garden is overall so that you can have an idea of the time it will take to trim or prune all your hedges. All of these factors will play a significant role in deciding the right size for your hedge trimmer. 

If you have very long and thick hedges, you will need a large and sharp blade that can easily cut through them neatly. Large-sized yards will need a more powerful hedge trimmer to get the job done quickly. If your hedges are not very accessible, look for a small hedge trimmer that can maneuver easily in compact spaces.

Other than the size of the overall hedge trimmer, you will need to consider three main factors: the size of the blade, the weight, and the level of power. 

Also Read: What Is a Hedge Trimmer Used For

Blade Size

There are several hedge trimmers available in the market with blades that range from 5 inches to 26 inches. 5-inch blades are ideal for minute and detailed work, which is why they are suitable for cutting only tiny hedges. 26-inch blades are ideal for heavy-duty work and usually come in electric or gas-powered options. 

Most hedge trimmers come with an 18-inch blade, which is typically ideal for cutting most types of hedges. Longer blades can make trimming more efficient, but they are not suitable if you are working in compact spaces. 

A typical 18-inch blade has the capacity to cut branches that measure up to 3/4th of an inch, but you can find larger-capacity hedge trimmers as well. If you have never used a hedge trimmer before, we recommend purchasing one with a small blade so that you can get accustomed to it before moving on to a larger blade.

Also, if your hedges are located close to a wall or fence, it can get difficult for a long hedge trimmer to cut them efficiently. Make sure you purchase one that can be used easily in tight spaces.

Related: What Is an Articulating Hedge Trimmer


The weight of a hedge trimmer tends to be proportional to its size and can have an impact on its ease of use. For beginners, lightweight hedge trimmers are recommended as they don’t wear out the user quickly and are easier to maneuver than heavy ones. 

Experienced users can opt for a heavier option because they are more powerful and can get the job done quickly. Just make sure that you have full control over your hedge trimmer so that the chances of accidents are reduced. Always keep in mind that safety comes first when it comes to sharp tools like hedge trimmers.


There are three main types of hedge trimmers, each of which provides a different level of power. 


The gas-powered ones have a powerful motor that can provide excellent cutting speed. If you are looking for the best hedge trimmer for thick branches, opt for one that runs on gas. All you need to do is fill up your hedge trimmer with fuel and use it without needing a power outlet nearby at all times.

The downside to a gas hedge trimmer is that it tends to be quite large and heavy, which is not suitable for beginners. Also, gas-powered hedge trimmers are more difficult to operate than their electric and cordless counterparts and need frequent maintenance.


Electric hedge trimmers are easier to use than gas-powered ones because they are lightweight and not very complicated to use. They are also safer to use and do not produce a lot of noise. You can find electric hedge trimmers in all sizes, which makes them ideal for beginners and professionals alike. 

The only problem with a corded electric hedge trimmer is that you need to keep it connected to a power source during operation. This means that you need to have a power outlet in your yard, so keep this in mind before purchasing one.


To overcome the problems of a corded electric hedge trimmer, some manufacturers introduced cordless hedge trimmers. These are powered by batteries, which makes them portable. All you need to do is charge the batteries before use, and a good model will last for several hours. A hedge trimmer cordless is also suitable for both beginners and experts.

The disadvantage of cordless hedge trimmers is that they tend to be more expensive than other alternatives. Also, if the battery runs out, you will have to pause your work and recharge them fully before you can continue using your hedge trimmer again.

Also: Does RIDGID Make a Cordless Hedge Trimmer

Double Sided vs. Single Sided Hedge Trimmers

When considering the size of hedge trimmers, it is important to also keep in mind whether double sided or single sided blades will be ideal. All hedge trimmers including gas-powered, electric, and cordless ones come in double sided and single sided options. Their specifications have been mentioned below.

Double Sided

Double sided hedge trimmers are those that come with blades on both sides. The benefit of these types of hedge trimmers is that they allow users to move the blade back and forth, which makes them more versatile than single sided options. 

You can use double sided hedge trimmers for sculpting complex shapes out of your bushes or hedges, which is usually not possible with a single sided blade. They also work better for crafting out flat tops and shaping the sides of box hedges. 

Single Sided

Even though single sided hedge trimmers are not as versatile as double sided trimmers, they are better at performing functions that need a significant amount of power. If you need to cut thick branches or trim thick shrubs, hedge trimmers with a blade on one side will be ideal. 

Also, single sided trimmers are easier to operate than double sided ones, which makes them ideal for beginners who have never used the tool before. Since the blades are only on one side, they are safer and the chances of accidents are reduced.

Another advantage of single sided trimmers is that they tend to be cheaper than double sided options. They are ideal for selective trims that require a bit of caution and concentration.

Safety Features To Consider While Using Hedge Trimmers

Hedge trimmers are equipped with sharp blades, which is why it is important to keep a few safety considerations in mind before use. Most manufacturers provide a safety manual along with the tool and make sure you read it thoroughly and follow the instructions mentioned on it. 

It is recommended to wear the proper safety clothing when operating a hedge trimmer. Invest in a pair of goggles that will keep your eyes protected from the tiny shards of grass that are produced during hedge trimming.

Wear ergonomic gloves that provide a strong grip around the hedge trimmer. It can be very dangerous if the tool slips from your hands as the blade can come in contact with any body part and lead to a deep cut.

Make sure there are no individuals, especially children, nearby and never use the hegde trimmer without supervision if you are using it for the first time. Also, some hegde trimmers, especially gas-powered models, can be very loud, so make sure you wear hearing protection.

Try to avoid standing on an uneven ground, and make sure you maintain a good balance. It can be very dangerous if you stretch too much and trip. You should never be fatigued or tired because hedge trimming requires a lot of concentration.

Lastly, make sure that you don’t use your hedge trimmer when the weather is damp or it is raining. Avoid this at all costs if you are using a heavy duty hedge trimmer electric as you can get electrocuted.

Related: Can You Use Electric Hedge Trimmer In The Rain

Rudy Sebastian

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